This Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use Policy ("Policy") applies to customers' use of all services of SFDC China Products offered by Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd.or its affiliates ("Alibaba Cloud"), or third party products, applications or functionality that interoperate with of SFDC China Products offered by Alibaba Cloud, that incorporate artificial intelligence. The terms of this Policy are in addition to the Acceptable Use and External Facing Services Policy.
更新日期Last Updated
June 6, 2024
政策變更Changes to Policy
Alibaba Cloud may change this Policy by posting an updated version of the Policy at the official website (www.aliyun.com) and such updates will be effective upon posting. A customer's violation of this Policy will be considered a material breach of the Main Services Agreement ("MSA") and/or other agreement governing the customer's use of SFDC China Products.
禁止使用Disallowed Usage
4.1. 客戶及其用戶不得將任何阿里云人工智能產品(包括生成式人工智能產品)或與SFDC中國產品有交互的涉及人工智能的第三方產品、應用程序、功能(包括生成式人工智能或機器學習)用于以下目的:
Customers and their users may not use any Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence products, including Generative Artificial Intelligence products, nor any third party product, application or functionality which interoperates with SFDC China Products that incorporates Artificial Intelligence, including Generative Artificial Intelligence or machine learning, for the following:
4.1.1. 具有法律效力的自動化決策過程
Automated Decision-Making Processes with Legal Effects
a) 除非客戶確保最終決策是由人類做出且在做出最終決策時必須考慮SFDC中國產品推薦之外的其他因素,否則不得參與任何具有法律效力或類似重大影響的自動化決策過程。
As part of an automated decision-making process with legal or similarly significant effects, unless Customer ensures that the final decision is made by a human being. In this case, Customer must take account of other factors beyond the SFDC China Products’ recommendations in making the final decision.
b) 即便最終決策由人類做出,也不得參與到作為貸款業務的自動化決策流程中。
As part of an automated decision-making process for payday lending even when the final decision is made by a human being.
4.1.2. 持證專業人士的個性化建議
Individualized Advice from Licensed Professionals
a) 不得提供通常應由持證專業人士做出的個性化建議,如提供金融或法律意見。
Generating individualized advice that in the ordinary course of business would be provided by a licensed professional. This includes, for example, financial and legal advice.
b) 不得向消費者或最終用戶提供個性化的醫療建議、治療或診斷。
Generating or providing individualized medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis to a consumer or end user.
c) 只要在生成個性化建議的過程中沒有使用阿里云人工智能產品,本節內容并不禁止客戶使用阿里云人工智能產品為持證專業人士提供幫助。但是,當客戶使用阿里云人工智能產品協助提供個性化建議(如摘要總結)時,必須有具備資格的人員審查輸出內容。
Nothing in this section prohibits Customer from using Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence products to support a licensed professional where Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence products were not leveraged in the generation of individualized advice. However, when a Customer uses Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence products to otherwise assist in providing individualized advice (e.g., summarization) there must be a qualified person in the loop reviewing the output.
d) 為免歧義,本節并不禁止客戶在其他行業使用阿里云人工智能產品用于其他目的,如客戶支持。
For clarity, this does not otherwise prohibit using any other Alibaba Cloud Artificial Intelligence products in these industries for other purposes, such as customer support.
4.1.3. 明確預測應受保護的特征
Explicitly Predicting Protected Characteristics
a) 明確預測針對自然人應受保護的特征,包括但不限于種族、民族起源、過去、現在或未來的政治觀點、國別、地域、宗教或哲學信仰、工會成員身份、年齡、性別、性生活、性取向、殘疾、職業、健康狀況、醫療狀況、財務狀況、犯罪定罪或從事犯罪行為的可能性。
Explicitly predicting an individual's protected characteristic, including, but not limited to, racial or ethnic origin, and past, current, or future political opinions, nationality, region, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, age, gender, sex life, sexual orientation, disability, occupation, health status, medical condition, financial status, criminal convictions, or likelihood to engage in criminal acts.
b) 本節并不限制或禁止客戶使用專門設計來識別安全漏洞、未經授權訪問、欺詐以及其他安全漏洞的用例或工具,或者用來識別和減少阿里云人工智能產品中的偏差。
The previous sentence does not limit or prohibit use cases or tools designed specifically to identifysecurity breaches, unauthorized access, fraud, and other security vulnerabilities, or to identify and reduce bias in Alibaba Cloud AI products.
c) 此外,客戶不得提交自然人的圖像用于創建或分析生物識別標識,如面部特征、指紋或眼部、手部、面部的掃描。
Additionally, Customer may not submit images of individuals for the purposes of creating or analyzing biometric identifiers, such as face prints or fingerprints or scans of eyes, hands, or facial geometry.
4.1.4. 欺騙性活動
Deceptive Activity
a) 參與任何為了操縱公共辯論的不真實行為。
Engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior for the purposes of manipulating public debate.
b) 創建或傳播高度欺騙性的纂改或合成數字媒體,該類媒體雖然是虛構或錯誤的,但卻被呈現為真實或基于事實,并旨在故意引導觀眾朝向特定利益或安排,包括但不限于深度偽造。以上規定適用于使用所有阿里云產品傳播此類媒體的情況,無論該數據是否使用阿里云產品生成。
Creating or distributing highly deceptive manipulated or synthetic digital media that is fabricated or false but presented as authentic or fact based and intended to deliberately sway audiences towards a specific interest or agenda, including, but not limited to, deepfakes. The above applies to the use of all Alibaba Cloud products to distribute such media, regardless of whether the data was generated using Alibaba Cloud products.
c) 參與剽竊或學術不誠實行為。
Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
4.1.5. 兒童性侵害和虐待
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
For any purposes related to child sexual exploitation or any applicable law or regulation.
4.1.6. 披露
Customers must disclose when end users or consumers are interacting directly with automated systems, unless obvious from context or where there is a human in the loop.
4.2. 客戶及其用戶不得使用任何阿里云人工智能產品或與SFDC中國產品有交互的包含人工智能的第三方產品、應用程序、功能進行以下活動:
Customers and their users may not use any Alibaba Cloud Generative AI products nor any third party product, application or functionality that incorporates Generative AI which interoperates with SFDC China Product, for the following:
4.2.1. 武器開發
Weapons Development
Developing, advertising, marketing, distributing, or selling weapons, weapon accessories, or explosives. 4.3. 客戶及其用戶使用任何阿里云人工智能產品或與SFDC中國產品有交互的包含人工智能的第三方產品、應用程序、功能應當遵守法律法規和尊重社會公德、倫理道德,包括:
Customers and their users' usage of Alibaba Cloud Generative AI products nor any third party product, application or functionality that incorporates Generative AI shall comply with any applicable law or regulation, and social morality and ethics, for the following:
The core values of socialism shall be adhered to. It is prohibited to generate content that incites subversion of state power, overthrow of the socialist system, endangers national security and interests, or undermines national image. It should not advocate for terrorism, extremism, ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, violence, obscenity, pornography, or false and harmful information as prohibited by any applicable law and regulation.
4.3.2. 尊重知識產權、商業道德,保守商業秘密,不得利用人工智能產品優勢,實施壟斷和不正當競爭行為。
Respect intellectual property rights, business ethics, and keep trade secrets. Monopoly and unfair competition shall not be practiced by taking advantages of Generative AI products.
4.3.3. 尊重他人合法權益,不得危害他人身心健康,不得侵害他人肖像權、名譽權、榮譽權、隱私權和個人信息權益。
Respect the legitimate rights and interests of any other person. It is prohibited to harm the physical and mental health of any other person, and to infringe any third-party rights, including rights to portrait reputation, honor, privacy, and personal information.
4.4. 披露
Disclosures 2
Customers may not deceive end users or consumers by misrepresenting content generated through automated means as human generated or original content.
NOTICE OF HIGH RISK USE: Generative AI technology will continue to be used in new and innovative ways, and we encourage Customer to consider if their use of these technologies is safe. Alibaba Cloud Generative AI products are not intended for high risk uses that could result in the death or serious bodily injury of any person or in other catastrophic damage, including through warfare or the operation of critical infrastructure.