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Provides a DNS Access Strategy resource.

For information about DNS Access Strategy and how to use it, see What is Access Strategy.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.152.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf_example"
variable "domain_name" {
  default = "alicloud-provider.com"
data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {}
resource "alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group" "default" {
  alarm_contact_group_name = var.name

resource "alicloud_alidns_gtm_instance" "default" {
  instance_name           = var.name
  payment_type            = "Subscription"
  period                  = 1
  renewal_status          = "ManualRenewal"
  package_edition         = "standard"
  health_check_task_count = 100
  sms_notification_count  = 1000
  public_cname_mode       = "SYSTEM_ASSIGN"
  ttl                     = 60
  cname_type              = "PUBLIC"
  resource_group_id       = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.groups.0.id
  alert_group             = [alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group.default.alarm_contact_group_name]
  public_user_domain_name = var.domain_name
  alert_config {
    sms_notice      = true
    notice_type     = "ADDR_ALERT"
    email_notice    = true
    dingtalk_notice = true

resource "alicloud_alidns_address_pool" "default" {
  count             = 2
  address_pool_name = format("${var.name}_%d", count.index + 1)
  instance_id       = alicloud_alidns_gtm_instance.default.id
  lba_strategy      = "RATIO"
  type              = "IPV4"
  address {
    attribute_info = "{\"lineCodeRectifyType\":\"RECTIFIED\",\"lineCodes\":[\"os_namerica_us\"]}"
    remark         = "address_remark"
    address        = ""
    mode           = "SMART"
    lba_weight     = 1

resource "alicloud_alidns_access_strategy" "default" {
  strategy_name                  = var.name
  strategy_mode                  = "GEO"
  instance_id                    = alicloud_alidns_gtm_instance.default.id
  default_addr_pool_type         = "IPV4"
  default_lba_strategy           = "RATIO"
  default_min_available_addr_num = 1
  default_addr_pools {
    lba_weight   = 1
    addr_pool_id = alicloud_alidns_address_pool.default.0.id
  failover_addr_pool_type         = "IPV4"
  failover_lba_strategy           = "RATIO"
  failover_min_available_addr_num = 1
  failover_addr_pools {
    lba_weight   = 1
    addr_pool_id = alicloud_alidns_address_pool.default.1.id
  lines {
    line_code = "default"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • access_mode - (Optional) The primary/secondary switchover policy for address pool groups. Valid values: AUTO, DEFAULT, FAILOVER.
  • default_addr_pool_type - (Required) The type of the primary address pool. Valid values: IPV4, IPV6, DOMAIN.
  • default_addr_pools - (Required) List of primary address pool collections. See default_addr_pools below for details.
  • default_latency_optimization - (Optional) Specifies whether to enable scheduling optimization for latency resolution for the primary address pool group. Valid values: OPEN, CLOSE.
  • default_lba_strategy - (Optional) The load balancing policy of the primary address pool group. Valid values: ALL_RR, RATIO. NOTE: The default_lba_strategy is required under the condition that strategy_mode is GEO.
  • default_max_return_addr_num - (Optional) The maximum number of addresses returned by the primary address pool set. NOTE: The default_max_return_addr_num is required under the condition that strategy_mode is LATENCY.
  • default_min_available_addr_num - (Required) The minimum number of available addresses for the primary address pool set.
  • failover_addr_pool_type - (Optional) The type of the secondary address pool. Valid values: IPV4, IPV6, DOMAIN.
  • failover_addr_pools - (Optional) List of backup address pool sets. See failover_addr_pools below for details.
  • failover_latency_optimization - (Optional) Specifies whether to enable scheduling optimization for latency resolution for the secondary address pool group. Valid values: OPEN, CLOSE.
  • failover_lba_strategy - (Optional) The load balancing policy of the secondary address pool group. Valid values: ALL_RR, RATIO.
  • failover_max_return_addr_num - (Optional) The maximum number of returned addresses in the standby address pool.
  • failover_min_available_addr_num - (Optional) The minimum number of available addresses in the standby address pool.
  • instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The Id of the associated instance.
  • lang - (Optional) The lang.
  • strategy_mode - (Required) The type of the access policy. Valid values: GEO or LATENCY. GEO: based on geographic location. LATENCY: Based on delay.
  • strategy_name - (Required) The name of the access policy.
  • lines - (Optional) The source regions. See lines below for details. NOTE: The lines is required under the condition that strategy_mode is GEO.


The failover_addr_pools supports the following:

  • addr_pool_id - (Optional) The ID of the address pool in the secondary address pool group.
  • lba_weight - (Optional) The weight of the address pool in the secondary address pool group.


The default_addr_pools supports the following:

  • addr_pool_id - (Required) The ID of the address pool in the primary address pool group.
  • lba_weight - (Optional) The weight of the address pool in the primary address pool group.


The lines supports the following:

  • line_code - (Optional) The line code of the source region.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Access Strategy.


DNS Access Strategy can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_alidns_access_strategy.example <id>