Pod status condition可以提供Pod狀態和健康狀況的信息。本文匯總了ECI Pod(即ECI實例)的condition并給出說明。
condition ContainerInstanceCreated用于表示ECI Pod的創建狀態,reason、message及其說明如下:
reason | message | 說明 |
Creating | Creating | ECI Pod正在創建中。 |
StockExhaust | The stock of the specified zones will be used up. %s | 當前可用區的ECI資源庫存即將耗盡。建議更換可用區。 |
NoStock | Create ECI failed because the specified instance is out of stock. %s | 當前可用區的ECI資源庫存不足。您可以使用多可用區和多規格的方式創建ECI Pod來提高創建成功率。 |
StockClose | Create ECI failed because current zone closed or limited without living instance. %s | 由于無法使用當前可用區,導致創建ECI Pod失敗。請更換可用區。 |
FailedScheduling | Unknown error occurred. | 由于發生未知錯誤,導致調度ECI Pod失敗。請提交工單。 |
FailedScheduling | Schedule eci failed:%s | 調度ECI Pod失敗。請重新嘗試。 |
UnknownError | The ECI service is under heavy load while creating container group resources, please wait and try again later | ECI服務負載過大。請稍后再嘗試創建ECI Pod。 |
SpotToBeReleased | Spot ECI will be released in %s minutes | 搶占式實例即將過期。請盡快在業務上進行兼容處理。 |
DiskCapacityQuotaFull | Your disk capacity quota is exceeded | 磁盤容量已達到配額限制。請至配額中心申請提升配額。 |
UnknownError | An unknown error occurred for %s | 發生未知錯誤。請提交工單。 |
CpuOptionsNotSupported | The cpu options is not supported for your instanceType[%s] in current region | 當前可用區下,您的ECI Pod不支持自定義CPU選項。 |
CpuOptionsNotValid | The cpu options is not valid for your instanceType[%s] | 您的ECI Pod不支持自定義CPU選項。 |
SystemFailureReboot | The Specified ContainerGroup is rebooting | ECI Pod正在重新啟動。 |
SystemReboot | It is strongly recommended that you re-create this instance within 48 hours because of %s, otherwise, the pod will be forced to restart. | 建議您在48小時內重新創建該ECI Pod,否則系統會強制重啟該ECI Pod。 |
Throttling | The request was denied due to system flow control, please wait and try again later | 由于系統流量控制,請求被拒絕。請稍后再嘗試操作。 |
SpotDegraded | Spot [%s] will be degraded because the specified instance is out of stock | 創建搶占式實例時,由于沒有滿足要求的庫存,自動轉為按量付費實例。 |
AutoInstanceTypeMatch | The most-matched instanceType for current eci instance is %s | ECI Pod的規格已進行資源規整。 |
MultiZoneRecommendations | %s | 建議使用多可用區方式創建ECI Pod。 |
condition SandboxReady用于表示沙箱是否可用。reason代表部分主動運維事件,message來自系統事件message。
reason | message | 說明 |
SystemFailure.Reboot | %s | 因系統錯誤重啟ECI Pod。 |
InstanceFailure.Reboot | %s | 因操作系統錯誤重啟ECI Pod。 |
SystemFailure.Redeploy | %s | 因系統錯誤重新部署ECI Pod。 |