事件名稱(reason) | 事件類型 | 事件信息(message) | 事件說明 |
StockExhaust | Warning | The stock of the specified zones will be used up. %s | 當前可用區的ECI資源庫存即將耗盡。建議更換可用區。 |
NoStock | Warning | Create ECI failed because the specified instance is out of stock. %s | 當前可用區的ECI資源庫存不足。您可以使用多可用區和多規格的方式創建ECI來提高創建成功率。 |
InsufficientBalance | Warning | Your account does not have enough balance to purchase %s | 您的賬戶余額不足,無法創建ECI實例。 |
StockClose | Warning | Create ECI failed because current zone closed or limited without living instance. %s | 創建ECI實例失敗,無法使用當前可用區。請更換可用區。 |
FailedScheduling | Warning | Unknown error occurred. | 創建ECI實例失敗,發生未知錯誤。請提交工單。 |
FailedScheduling | Warning | Schedule eci failed:%s | 調度ECI實例失敗。請重新嘗試。 |
UnknownError | Warning | The ECI service is under heavy load while creating container group resources, please wait and try again later | ECI服務負載過大,請稍后再嘗試創建ECI實例。 |
DiskCapacityQuotaFull | Warning | Your disk capacity quota is exceeded | 磁盤容量已達到配額限制。請至配額中心申請提升配額。 |
DiskCapacityQuotaFull | Warning | Your disk capacity quota in [%s] is exceeded | 磁盤容量已達到配額限制。請至配額中心申請提升配額。 |
AttachDiskFailed | Warning | Attach disk %s failed | 掛載磁盤失敗。 |
UnknownError | Warning | An unknown error occurred for %s | 發生未知錯誤。請提交工單。 |
CpuOptionsNotSupported | Warning | The cpu options is not supported for your instanceType[%s] in current region | 當前可用區下,您的ECI實例不支持自定義CPU選項。 |
CpuOptionsNotValid | Warning | The cpu options is not valid for your instanceType[%s] | 您的ECI實例不支持自定義CPU選項。 |
SYSTEM_FAILURE | Warning | The ContainerGroup has failed due to a temporary failure of the host | 由于系統故障,ECI實例創建失敗。 |
SystemFailureReboot | Warning | The Specified ContainerGroup is rebooting | ECI實例正在重新啟動。 |
StartingFailed | Warning | eci starting failed: %s | ECI實例啟動失敗。 |
SystemReboot | Warning | It is strongly recommended that you re-create this instance within 48 hours because of %s, otherwise, the pod will be forced to restart. | 由于系統維護實例重啟,建議您在48小時內重新創建該實例。 |
Throttling | Warning | The request was denied due to system flow control, please wait and try again later | 由于系統流量控制,請求被拒絕。請稍候再嘗試操作。 |
Throttling | Warning | The request was denied due to system flow control, please wait and try again later, flowControlType:%s | 由于系統流量控制,請求被拒絕。請稍候再嘗試操作。 |
SpotDegraded | Warning | Spot [%s] will be degraded because the specified instance is out of stock | 創建搶占式實例時,由于搶占式實例沒有滿足要求的庫存,自動轉為創建按量付費實例。 |
SpotToBeReleased | Warning | Spot ECI will be released in %s minutes | 搶占式ECI實例即將過期,您需要在業務上進行兼容處理。 |
CreateBackoff | Warning | %s | 創建ECI實例失敗。 |
QuotaExceeded | Warning | Eci instance type %s or vcpu quota is exceeded | 超出ECI實例或者VPC的配額限制。 |
ParamLengthExceed | Warning | The length of input param [%s] is exceeded, which will not be stored in meta | 輸入參數的長度超出限制,不會存儲到Meta中。 |
IgnoreInstanceTypeFeatures | Warning | The instance type features will be ignored as the provided specifications, [%s],correspond exclusively to ECS instance types | 由于特性只適用于指定vCPU和內存規格的ECI實例,當指定了ECS規格進行創建時,特性會被忽略。 |
EphemeralStorageSizeExceededJobLimit | Warning | Ephemeral storage size: %s exceeded the limitation of job instance:%s | 臨時存儲空間的大小超出了實例限制。 |
MultiZoneRecommendations | Normal | %s | 建議使用多可用區功能。 |
AutoInstanceTypeMatch | Normal | The most-matched instanceType for current eci instance is %s | ECI實例規格已進行規整。 |
MemoryReservationAdded | Normal | Add memory reservation to current eci for the required system components | 已為ECI實例附加系統開銷占用的內存。 |
UserInstanceTypeSpec | Normal | The user-specified instanceType for current eci instance is %s | 您指定了ECI實例的規格類型。 |
DefaultInstanceTypeMatch | Normal | The default instanceType used for current eci instance is %s | ECI實例使用默認規格。 |
StopCharge | Normal | The charge of current ECI instance has been stopped, but the related resources are still being cleaned | 當前ECI實例已停止計費,但相關資源仍在清理中。 |
事件名稱(reason) | 事件類型 | 事件信息(message) | 事件說明 |
ImageCacheNotFound | Warning | The specified image cache %s does not exist | 指定的鏡像緩存不存在。建議您先查詢鏡像緩存,確保使用已存在的鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheMissed | Warning | Missed image cache | 沒有匹配到鏡像緩存,您需要先創建鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheAutoCreated | Normal | Image cache %s is auto created | 沒有匹配到鏡像緩存,或者沒有完全匹配的鏡像緩存,系統已開始自動創建鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheAutoEliminated | Warning | Image cache %s is auto eliminated | 系統開始自動創建鏡像緩存時,鏡像緩存數量已達到配額限制。系統將根據LRU策略自動淘汰鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheCapacityUtilization | Normal | Total capacity utilization of current CacheDisk is %sGB / %sGB | 當前鏡像緩存制作完成占用的空間使用量情況。 |
ImageCacheAutoCreateFailed | Warning | Image cache auto create failed for %s | 系統自動創建鏡像緩存失敗。請重新嘗試,或者手動創建鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheFlashCreatedFailed | Warning | Flash image cache is failed,standard image cache will be created | 極速鏡像緩存(對應本地快照)創建失敗,系統開始創建普通鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheCopyFailed | Warning | Image cache copy failed, but its %s/%s copies are still available | 快照多副本創建失敗。 |
ImageCacheFlashFinished | Normal | Flash image cache is created successfully,standard image cache will be created | 極速鏡像緩存(對應本地快照)創建成功,系統開始創建普通鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheFlashUsedFailed | Warning | Flash image cache can only be used in zones with ESSD, but current zone is %s | 極速鏡像緩存(對應本地快照)需要使用ESSD云盤,僅可以在支持ESSD云盤的可用區下創建。 |
ImageCacheFlashReplacedFailed | Warning | Standard image cache is failed, flash image cache %s will not be deleted. But flash image can only be used in zones with ESSD | 極速鏡像緩存(對應本地快照)創建成功,但普通鏡像緩存創建失敗。系統將保留極速鏡像緩存對應的本地快照。 |
ImageCacheFlashReplacedSuccess | Warning | Flash image cache [%s] has been replaced successfully | 極速鏡像緩存對應的本地快照已被正常刪除。 |
ImageCacheCreate | Normal | Snapshot [%s] of image cache has been created, waiting for the completion of it | 開始創建鏡像緩存,請等待鏡像緩存創建完成后再使用。 |
ImageCacheCopyFinished | Normal | Copy [%s] of image cache has been made successfully | 快照多副本創建成功。 |
ImageCacheFinished | Normal | Image cache [%s] has been made successfully | 鏡像緩存創建成功,您可以使用該鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheUpdateFinished | Normal | Image cache [%s] has been updated successfully | 鏡像緩存更新成功,您可以使用該鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheUpdateFailed | Warning | Image cache [%s] update failed, but the old resource is still available | 鏡像緩存更新失敗,但原有鏡像緩存仍可以使用。請重新嘗試更新操作。 |
ImageCacheUnknownError | Warning | An unknown error occurred while handling the image cache for %s | 鏡像緩存發生未知錯誤。請提交工單確認問題。 |
SuccessfulHitImageCache | Normal | Successfully hit image cache %s | 成功匹配鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheNotComplete | Normal | The production for specified image cache %s is not yet complete | 鏡像緩存還未創建完成。請確保鏡像緩存已創建完成(達到Ready狀態),再進行使用。 |
ImageCacheArchNotMatch | Warning | The arch type of image cache %s not match the arch of %s | 鏡像緩存的架構類型與ECI實例的架構類型不符。 |
ImageCacheEliminated | Warning | Current imageCache is eliminated | 您使用的鏡像緩存已被刪除。請嘗試使用其他鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheNotFullMatch | Warning | Current imageCache %s is still not full-matched, a new imageCache is needed | 鏡像緩存沒有完全匹配。 |
ImageCacheNotSuited | Warning | ImageCache is not suited for current eci, imageAccelerateMode:%s will be used | 鏡像緩存不適用于當前的加速模式。 |
ImageCacheConflict | Warning | There are duplicated imc[%s] is creating | 正在創建重復的鏡像緩存。 |
ImageCacheQuotaFull | Warning | %s | 鏡像緩存數量達到配額限制。 |
事件名稱(reason) | 事件類型 | 事件信息(message) | 事件說明 |
DataCacheProxyCreateFailed | Warning | The proxy of dataCache create failed for %s, please check it again | 數據緩存創建失敗。請檢查配置。 |
DataCacheSourceIllegal | Warning | The source of dataCache is illegal or un-reachable in you network, please check it again | 數據緩存的來源不合法,或者由于網絡原因無法訪問。請檢查配置。 |
DataCacheJobCreateFailed | Warning | The job of dataCache create failed for %s, please check it again | 數據緩存創建失敗。請檢查配置。 |
DataCacheJobStartFailed | Warning | The job for dataCache start failed, see the detail in the events of job | 數據緩存創建失敗。請查看創建數據緩存過程中生成的臨時實例的事件信息。 |
DataCacheLoadFailed | Warning | Some error occurred when loading data cache, see the detail in the log of job | 加載數據緩存時發生錯誤。請查看創建數據緩存過程中生成的臨時實例的事件信息。 |
事件名稱(reason) | 事件類型 | 事件信息(message) | 事件說明 |
CreateEciForVnode | Normal | Create Eci %s for Vnode | 創建VNode對應的ECI實例。 |
CreateVnodeSuccess | Normal | Create vnode success | VNode創建成功。 |
CreateVnodeFailed | Warning | Create vnode failed | VNode創建失敗。 |
VnodePullImageFailed | Warning | Vnode pull image failed | VNode拉取鏡像失敗。 |
資源模塊 | 事件名稱(reason) | 事件類型 | 事件信息(message) | 事件說明 |
RamRole | Unauthorized | Warning | No permission granted to eci service account for %s | 賬號沒有操作ECI資源的權限。請確保賬號已有ECI服務關聯角色。如果使用RAM用戶,請確保已正確授權RAM角色,具體操作,請參見為RAM用戶授權。 |
vSwitch | ResourceInsufficient | Warning | The maximum number of IP address in the VSwitch %s is exceeded | 交換機下可用的IP地址數量不足。請使用其他交換機。 |
SecurityGroup | QuotaFull | Warning | The maximum number of instances in the security group %s is exceeded | 安全組內的實例數量已達到配額限制。請使用其他安全組。 |
ENI | CreateENIFailed | Warning | %s | 創建ENI失敗。 |
AttachENIFailed | Warning | %s | 掛載ENI失敗。 | |
AttachENIConflict | Warning | %s | 掛載ENI沖突。 | |
MissDefaultVpc | Warning | %s | 缺少默認的VPC參數。 | |
EIP | CreateEipFailed | Warning | %s | 創建EIP失敗。 |
EipBandwidthPackageQuotaExceeded | Warning | %s | EIP帶寬包超出配額限制。 | |
EipNotFound | Warning | The specified eip %s does not exist | 指定的EIP不存在。 | |
EipBoundOtherInstance | Warning | The specified eip %s is already bound to another instance | 指定的EIP已綁定了其他實例。 | |
SLS | AliyunSlsQuotaExceed | Warning | %s | SLS資源超出配額限制。請提交工單申請提升配額。 |
AliyunSlsError | Warning | %s | SLS相關錯誤。 | |
AliyunSlsProjectInvalid | Warning | %s | 指定的SLS Project是無效的。 | |
AliyunSlsConfigFormatError | Warning | sls config %s value %s is invalid | SLS的配置參數無效。 |
運維事件類型(Type) | 事件信息(message)示例 | 事件原因 |
SandboxNotReady | Critical error detected on Host OS | 主動運維重啟。 |
SandboxNotReadyUnExpected | Unexpected error occurred on underlying infrastructure | 非預期宕機重啟。 |
SandboxRebootCanceled | The reboot of current instance has been canceled | 重啟被取消。 |
SandboxRebootSucceeded | Current instance has been rebooted successfully. | 重啟成功。 |
OOMKilled | Memory cgroup out of memory: Kill process 15848 (xsim_traffic_fl) score 337 or sacrifice child | ECI內部出現OOM。 |
PodOOMKilled | System OOM encountered, victim process: xxx, pid: xxx | ECI實例內部發生OOM(非內核crash)。OOM對象包括ECI系統組件和容器進程。 |
DiskFull | There has insufficient disk space for current eci | 磁盤空間已滿。 |
NfsError | NFS: state manager: bind conn to session failed on NFSv4 server with error 121 | NFS出現錯誤。 |
RuntimeCrashed | Unexpected crash occurred on underlying infrastructure | 虛擬機異常崩潰。 |