400 | InvalidConnectionString.Format | Specified connection string is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
499 | InternalFailure | Invoke backend proxy error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PRICE.HSF_TIMEOUT_ERROR | Get price timeout. | - | 診斷 |
400 | SYSTEM.CONCURRENT_OPERATE | system concurrent operate: lock list. | - | 診斷 |
400 | SYSTEM.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | LX illegal argument. | - | 診斷 |
403 | UserInformationIncomplete | Please complete your basic personal information first. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied.SecurityIPListDuplicate | The Specified same security IP already exists. | 白名單列表存在重復IP地址 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceStorage | The input parameters DBInstanceClass and DBInstanceStorage no change. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InstanceStatusNotSupport | Current instance status does not support this operation. | - | 診斷 |
400 | DowngradeStorageNotSupported | The downgrading dbInstance storage does not supported. | 實例暫時不支持降低磁盤空間配置 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidUpgradeParams | The All(ReplicationFactor,DBInstanceClass,DBInstanceStorage)parameters are the same. | - | 診斷 |
400 | DowngradeTaskNotFinished | The downgrading task has not yet been completed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidAccountName.Malformed | The specified parameter "AccountName" is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidReplicaMode.Format | Unbind is not binding domain name. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidGranularity.MalFormed | The specified Granularity is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | IndexRecommendationTaskAlreadyExists | The index recommendation task already exists. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied.DBInstance | The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | The specified EndTime is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaNotEnough | Quota not enough in this zone. | 當前可用區資源不足,請選擇其他可用區。 | 診斷 |
400 | MissingParameter | Specified parameter is missing. | - | 診斷 |
403 | MissingParameter | The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | OwnerId和OwnerAccount參數值為空,請至少為其中一個參數設置參數值。 | 診斷 |
403 | Forbbiden.SubUser | The specified action is not available for you. | 當前您沒有權限調用訂單類的接口,請申請權限后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | UnsupportedParameter | | - | 診斷 |
403 | Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM. | - | 診斷 |
403 | Forbedden.NotSupportRAM | This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. | RAM用戶不支持該訪問,請使用阿里云賬號訪問。 | 診斷 |
403 | Forbidden.RiskControl | This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. | 該訪問屬于高風險操作,已被系統禁止。 | 診斷 |
400 | InsufficientBalance | Your account status check has failed, it may fall into following condition: 1. Insufficient fund available. 2. Personal ID yet verified. 3. Financial account is ineligible for purchase per item. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | 支付失敗,您可以添加其他支付方式,也可以充值后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | IdempotentParameterMismatch | Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. | ClientToken參數值已被使用,請輸入未使用過的ClientToken參數值。ClientToken由客戶端生成,需保證在不同請求間唯一,最大值不超過64個ASCII字符,且該參數值中不能包含非ASCII字符。 | 診斷 |
403 | RealNameAuthenticationError | Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. | 阿里云賬號未進行實名認證,請進行實名認證后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | CreateOrder.Failed | Create order failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | | 參數配置錯誤,請重新配置。 | 診斷 |
404 | Forbidden.InstanceNotFound | The specified Instance is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound | The DBInstanceId provided does not exist in our records. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound | | 該實例不存在,原因可能是該實例已經釋放,請刷新頁面。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound | The RegionId provided does not exist in our records. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidZoneId.NotFound | The ZoneId provided does not exist in our records. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The InstanceId provided does not exist in our records. | 實例ID無效,請輸入有效的實例ID。 | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaExceed.AfterpayInstance | Living afterpay instances quota exceeded. | - | 診斷 |
403 | Forbidden.NotAdminUser | User not authorized to operate on the specified API as you are not the administrator. | - | 診斷 |
403 | Forbbiden.NotInvitedUser | User not in the invitation list. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus | The operation is not permitted due to status of instance. | 當前實例狀態下無法執行該操作。 | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied.DBInstanceType | The operation is not permitted due to type of instance. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied.LockMode | The operation is not permitted due to lock of instance. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceClass.NotFound | Specified DB instance class is not found. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidBackup.NotFound | The available backup does not exist in recovery time. | - | 診斷 |
404 | IncorrectDBInstanceNetType | Current DB instance net type does not support this operation. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.WRONG_STATUS | BLS Wrong status. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.GENERAL_ERROR | BLS error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.INSTANCE_ID_NOT_FOUND | InstanceId not found | - | 診斷 |
422 | CLIENT.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Unprocessable Entity. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.WRONG_STATUS_STATUS | Source instance's tatus does not support this operation. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND | Product's template not found. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM | Missing required param. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.DST_INST_SAME_AS_SRC_INST | Destination InstanceId is the same as source InstanceId. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE_TYPE | Unsupported engine type. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.UNSUPPORTED_PRODUCT | Unsupported product. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CLIENT.CREATE_BACKUP_JOB_ERROR | Create backup job error | - | 診斷 |
500 | SERVER.INSTANCE_ID_NOT_FOUND | Instance not found. | - | 診斷 |
500 | SERVER.WFE_ERROR | Workflow engine error. | - | 診斷 |
500 | SERVER.CREATE_BACKUP_JOB_ERROR | Create backup job error. | - | 診斷 |
500 | SERVER.CLONE_INSTANCE_JOB_ERROR | Clone instance job error. | - | 診斷 |
500 | SERVER.PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND | Product's profile template not found. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidInstanceIp.Duplicate | Invalid security IP list specified, duplicated. | 白名單列表存在重復IP地址 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidVPCId.NotFound | Specified VPC ID is not found. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidVpcIdRegion.NotSupported | The Specified vpcId or vSwitchId not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | VpcError.NotEnabled | VPC is not enabled in this zone. | - | 診斷 |
400 | VpcResource.Exists | Resource(vpc ip) already exists. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidVpcIdOrVswitchId.NotSupported | The Specified vpcId or vSwitchId not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingVpcId | VpcId is mandatory for this action. | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingVswitchId | VswitchId is mandatory for this action. | - | 診斷 |
400 | Task.Conflict | Current instance has unfinished task(buy or modify spec). | 當前實例有未完成任務,請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
400 | NodeNum.Error | Node number error. | 節點個數錯誤.。
| 診斷 |
404 | Node.NotFound | Specified node is not found. | - | 診斷 |
400 | Resource.NotAvailable | Resource is not available. | - | 診斷 |
400 | GetCommodityFailed | Get commodity failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QUERY_PRICE_RESPONSE_ERROR | Query price failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | GET_COMMODITY_FAILED | Get commodity failed | - | 診斷 |
400 | Commodity.VerifyFailed | Commodity verify failed | - | 診斷 |
400 | SYSTEM.UNKNOWN_ERROR | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | SYSTEM.SYSTEM_ERROR | Lx system error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | RISK.RISK_CONTROL_REJECTION | Operation is rejected for risk control. | - | 診斷 |
400 | AUTH.RAM_AUTH_FAILED | Authorization failed for sub account. | - | 診斷 |
400 | COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT | Component choosed is not valid, please re choose it again. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PRICE.INQUIRY_FAILED | Query price error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidInquiryPriceParamFault | The request not refer to the correct order price param. please contact customer service. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidPriceRatingConfigFault | The request not refer to the correct order price param. please contact customer service. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidPriceTaxingFault | The taxing price is not correct. please contact customer service. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidPricePlanResult.NotFound | The price plan result does not refer to the account. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidPricePlan.NotFound | The price plan tree does not refer to the account | - | 診斷 |
403 | InvalidInstance.UnPaidOrder | The specified Instance has unpaid orders. | - | 診斷 |
403 | RealNameAuthenticationFaild | You have not completed real-name registration. | - | 診斷 |
404 | AccountExistArrearage | Your Account cannot buy the resources because of an arrearage bill. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.INST_HAS_UNPAID_ORDER | Current instance has unpaid order. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.INST_HAS_UNSETTLED_BILLS | Current instance has unsettled bills. | - | 診斷 |
403 | InvalidSaleComponentFault | The request references an incorrect order sales component. Contact the customer support. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.INSTANCE_HAS_INACTIVE_CHANGE | Current instance has inactive change action. | - | 診斷 |
400 | RealNameAuthenticationFault | Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.ACCOUNT_STATUS_ILLEGAL | Current account status is illegal | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.BID_USER_ORDER_FORBIDDEN | Bid account is not allowed to do this action | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.PERIOD_INVALID | Period to buy is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.QUANTITY_INVALID | Quantity to buy is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.SYS_CONSTRAINT_INVALID | System constrains faild. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK | Does not have enough activity stock. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL | Current order's amount is illegal. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PURCHASE.PURCHASE_QUERY_FAILED | Query purchase failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PURCHASE.NO_VAILD_PURCHASE | Dose not have valid purchase. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PRODUCT.INSUFFICIENT_STOCK | Dose not have enough resource. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PRODUCT.NOT_AVAILABLE_IZ | Available iz is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.QUERY_QUOTA_BOOK_FAILED | Pay failed for querying quota book failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.PAYMENT_PARAMETER_ INVALID | Pay failed for payment parameter not failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERROR | Pay failed for getting pay url error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.NO_CREDIT_CARD | Pay failed for no credit card. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.CURRENCY_INCONSISTENCY | Pay failed for currency inconsistency. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED | Pay failed for currency not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Pay failed for amount limit exceed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT | Pay failed for invalid amount. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.USER_DECLINED | Pay failed for user has declined. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.COUPON_NOT_MEET_CONSUMPTION_RULE | Pay failed for coupon not meet consumption rule. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.TAX_CALC_FAILED | Pay failed for tax calculate failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_EXIST | Pay failed for account book not exist. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST | Pay failed for stored card not exist. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST | Pay failed for coupon not exist. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGAL | Pay failed for withholding agreement illagal. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.REFUND_FAILED | Pay failed for refund failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | User attempted to create a new order.but user account balance is insufficient. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.INVALID_CREDIT_CARD | Pay failed for credit card invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAY.PAY_ORDER_FAILED | Pay order failed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | Unknown.Exception | The Request Server Is Error Or The Response Can Not Be Null. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ProxyError | Invoke proxy error. | 調用代理錯誤。
| 診斷 |
400 | PAY.MAYI_WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGAL | Mayi user do not sign withholding agreements or no coupons at Alipay. | - | 診斷 |
400 | LockTimeout | The request processing has failed due to lock timeout. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Format | The Specified parameter StartTime is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Format | The Specified parameter EndTime is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameters.Format | Specified parameters is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParam | param not valid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | DefaultVpc.NotSupport | The default vpc create is not support. | - | 診斷 |
400 | PAYFOR.CREDIT_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | Insufficient credit pay balance. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidReplicationFactor | The current mongodb instance is prepay,the order type is downgrade. but the request replicationFactor value is greater than the dbInstance replicationFactor. | - | 診斷 |
400 | SYSTEM_ERROR | LX system error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | Trade_Complete_Article_ERROR | LX trade complete article error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | Trade_Complete_User_Info_ERROR | LX trade complete user info error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | The specified StartTime is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidBackupSet.NotMatched | Specified backup set does not match instance. | 指定的備份集ID不匹配 | 診斷 |
403 | RR307 | Risk reject. | - | 診斷 |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 服務器端異常。請稍后重試,如果仍提示相同錯誤信息請提交工單處理。 | 診斷 |
400 | InsufficientResourceCapacity | There is insufficient capacity available for the requested instance. | 選擇的地域或可用區資源不足,請選擇其他可用區或提交工單處理。 | 診斷 |
400 | ServiceNotSupported | The specified service is not supported. | 服務異常,請稍后重試。如果仍提示相同錯誤信息請提交工單處理。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidStatus.NotFound | The Status provided does not exist in our records. | 實例狀態不存在,請檢查輸入的參數是否正確。 | 診斷 |