當您需要對Transactional表或Transaction Table2.0表執行insert
操作時,可以通過merge into
執行merge into
對目標表進行批量操作時,需要編寫多條SQL語句,然后進行多次全表掃描才能完成操作。MaxCompute提供的merge into
merge into
同時,merge into
不允許在同一條merge into
merge into <target_table> as <alias_name_t> using <source expression|table_name> as <alias_name_s>
on <boolean expression1>
--when matched…then指定on的結果為True的行為。多個when matched…then之間的數據無交集。
when matched [and <boolean expression2>] then update set <set_clause_list>
when matched [and <boolean expression3>] then delete
--when not matched…then指定on的結果為False的行為。
when not matched [and <boolean expression4>] then insert values <value_list>
source expression|table_name:必填。關聯的源表名稱、視圖或子查詢。
boolean expression1:必填。BOOLEAN類型判斷條件,判斷結果必須為True或False。
boolean expression2、boolean expression3、boolean expression4:可選。
同時出現,出現在前的操作必須包括[and <boolean expression>]
。when not matched
merge into
條件并且源表中滿足event_type為I的數據插入目標表。命令示例如下:--創建目標表acid_address_book_base1。 create table if not exists acid_address_book_base1 (id bigint,first_name string,last_name string,phone string) partitioned by(year string, month string, day string, hour string) tblproperties ("transactional"="true"); --創建源表tmp_table1。 create table if not exists tmp_table1 (id bigint, first_name string, last_name string, phone string, _event_type_ string); --向目標表acid_address_book_base1插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table acid_address_book_base1 partition(year='2020', month='08', day='20', hour='16') values (4, 'nihaho', 'li', '222'), (5, 'tahao', 'ha', '333'), (7, 'djh', 'hahh', '555'); --查詢目標表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from acid_address_book_base1; +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | id | first_name | last_name | phone | year | month | day | hour | +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | 4 | nihaho | li | 222 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 5 | tahao | ha | 333 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 7 | djh | hahh | 555 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ --向源表tmp_table1插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table tmp_table1 values (1, 'hh', 'liu', '999', 'I'), (2, 'cc', 'zhang', '888', 'I'), (3, 'cy', 'zhang', '666', 'I'),(4, 'hh', 'liu', '999', 'U'), (5, 'cc', 'zhang', '888', 'U'),(6, 'cy', 'zhang', '666', 'U'); --查詢源表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 select * from tmp_table1; +------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+ | id | first_name | last_name | phone | _event_type_ | +------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+ | 1 | hh | liu | 999 | I | | 2 | cc | zhang | 888 | I | | 3 | cy | zhang | 666 | I | | 4 | hh | liu | 999 | U | | 5 | cc | zhang | 888 | U | | 6 | cy | zhang | 666 | U | +------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+ --執行merge into操作。 merge into acid_address_book_base1 as t using tmp_table1 as s on s.id = t.id and t.year='2020' and t.month='08' and t.day='20' and t.hour='16' when matched then update set t.first_name = s.first_name, t.last_name = s.last_name, t.phone = s.phone when not matched and (s._event_type_='I') then insert values(s.id, s.first_name, s.last_name,s.phone,'2020','08','20','16'); --查詢目標表的數據確認merge into操作結果。 select * from acid_address_book_base1; +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | id | first_name | last_name | phone | year | month | day | hour | +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | 4 | hh | liu | 999 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 5 | cc | zhang | 888 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 7 | djh | hahh | 555 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 1 | hh | liu | 999 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 2 | cc | zhang | 888 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | | 3 | cy | zhang | 666 | 2020 | 08 | 20 | 16 | +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
merge into
命令,進行更新或者插入數據,對目標表的所有分區生效。--創建目標表merge_acid_dp。 create table if not exists merge_acid_dp(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null) partitioned by (dd string, hh string) tblproperties ("transactional" = "true"); --創建源表merge_acid_source。 create table if not exists merge_acid_source(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null, c3 string, c4 string) lifecycle 30; --向目標表merge_acid_dp插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table merge_acid_dp partition (dd='01', hh='01') values (1, 1), (2, 2); insert overwrite table merge_acid_dp partition (dd='02', hh='02') values (4, 1), (3, 2); --查詢目標表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from merge_acid_dp; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 1 | 1 | 01 | 01 | | 2 | 2 | 01 | 01 | | 4 | 1 | 02 | 02 | | 3 | 2 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+ --向源表merge_acid_source插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table merge_acid_source values(8, 2, '03', '03'), (5, 5, '05', '05'), (6, 6, '02', '02'); --查詢源表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 select * from merge_acid_source; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 8 | 2 | 03 | 03 | | 5 | 5 | 05 | 05 | | 6 | 6 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+ --執行merge into操作。 merge into merge_acid_dp tar using merge_acid_source src on tar.c2 = src.c2 when matched then update set tar.c1 = src.c1 when not matched then insert values(src.c1, src.c2, src.c3, src.c4); --查詢目標表的數據確認merge into操作結果。 select * from merge_acid_dp; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 6 | 6 | 02 | 02 | | 5 | 5 | 05 | 05 | | 8 | 2 | 02 | 02 | | 8 | 2 | 01 | 01 | | 1 | 1 | 01 | 01 | | 4 | 1 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+
merge into
命令,進行更新或者插入數據,對目標表的指定分區生效。--創建目標表merge_acid_sp。 create table if not exists merge_acid_sp(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null) partitioned by (dd string, hh string) tblproperties ("transactional" = "true"); --創建源表merge_acid_source。 create table if not exists merge_acid_source(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null, c3 string, c4 string) lifecycle 30; --向目標表merge_acid_sp插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table merge_acid_sp partition (dd='01', hh='01') values (1, 1), (2, 2); insert overwrite table merge_acid_sp partition (dd='02', hh='02') values (4, 1), (3, 2); --查詢目標表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from merge_acid_sp; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 1 | 1 | 01 | 01 | | 2 | 2 | 01 | 01 | | 4 | 1 | 02 | 02 | | 3 | 2 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+ --向源表merge_acid_source插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table merge_acid_source values(8, 2, '03', '03'), (5, 5, '05', '05'), (6, 6, '02', '02'); --查詢源表的數據確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 select * from merge_acid_source; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 8 | 2 | 03 | 03 | | 5 | 5 | 05 | 05 | | 6 | 6 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+ --執行merge into操作,同時在on條件中指定只對目標表的dd = '01' and hh = '01'分區執行更新或者插入操作。 merge into merge_acid_sp tar using merge_acid_source src on tar.c2 = src.c2 and tar.dd = '01' and tar.hh = '01' when matched then update set tar.c1 = src.c1 when not matched then insert values(src.c1, src.c2, src.c3, src.c4); --查詢目標表的數據確認merge into操作結果。 select * from merge_acid_sp; +------------+------------+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 5 | 5 | 05 | 05 | | 6 | 6 | 02 | 02 | | 8 | 2 | 01 | 01 | | 1 | 1 | 01 | 01 | | 4 | 1 | 02 | 02 | | 3 | 2 | 02 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+
示例4:創建Transaction Table2.0類型目標表mf_tt6及源表mf_delta,并插入數據。以指定分區方式執行
merge into
命令,進行更新、插入或刪除數據,對目標表的指定分區生效。--創建Transaction Table2.0類型目標表mf_tt6。 create table if not exists mf_tt6 (pk bigint not null primary key, val bigint not null) partitioned by (dd string, hh string) tblproperties ("transactional"="true"); --向目標表mf_tt6插入測試數據。 insert overwrite table mf_tt6 partition (dd='01', hh='02') values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3); insert overwrite table mf_tt6 partition (dd='01', hh='01') values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30); --開啟全表掃描,僅此Session有效。執行select語句查看表mf_tt6中的數據。 set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from mf_tt6; +------------+------------+----+----+ | pk | val | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 1 | 10 | 01 | 01 | | 3 | 30 | 01 | 01 | | 2 | 20 | 01 | 01 | | 1 | 1 | 01 | 02 | | 3 | 3 | 01 | 02 | | 2 | 2 | 01 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+ --創建源表mf_delta,并插入測試數據。 create table if not exists mf_delta as select pk, val from values (1, 10), (2, 20), (6, 60) t (pk, val); --查詢源表的數據,確認插入測試數據的操作結果。 select * from mf_delta; +------+------+ | pk | val | +------+------+ | 1 | 10 | | 2 | 20 | | 6 | 60 | +------+------+ --執行merge into操作,同時在on條件中指定只對目標表mf_tt6的dd = '01' and hh = '02'分區執行更新、插入或刪除操作。 merge into mf_tt6 using mf_delta on mf_tt6.pk = mf_delta.pk and mf_tt6.dd='01' and mf_tt6.hh='02' when matched and (mf_tt6.pk > 1) then update set mf_tt6.val = mf_delta.val when matched then delete when not matched then insert values (mf_delta.pk, mf_delta.val, '01', '02'); --查詢目標表的數據確認merge into操作結果。 set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true; select * from mf_tt6; +------------+------------+----+----+ | pk | val | dd | hh | +------------+------------+----+----+ | 1 | 10 | 01 | 01 | | 3 | 30 | 01 | 01 | | 2 | 20 | 01 | 01 | | 3 | 3 | 01 | 02 | | 6 | 60 | 01 | 02 | | 2 | 20 | 01 | 02 | +------------+------------+----+----+