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HTTP status code錯誤碼錯誤信息描述操作
403MissingParameterThe input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.參數 OwnerId 和 OwnerAccount 不能為空。診斷
403Forbbiden.SubUserThe specified action is not allowed.您使用的子賬號暫時沒有此操作的權限。診斷
404InvalidInstanceId.NotFoundThe specified InstanceId does not exist.指定的InstanceId不存在。診斷
404InvalidDiskId.NotFoundThe specified DiskId does not exist.指定的磁盤不存在。請您檢查磁盤 ID 是否正確。診斷
404InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFoundThe specified SecurityGroupId does not exist.指定的安全組在該用戶賬號下不存在,請您檢查安全組 ID 是否正確。診斷
404InvalidSnapshotId.NotFoundThe specified SnapshotId does not exist.指定的快照不存在,請您檢查快照是否正確。診斷
404InvalidImageId.NotFoundThe specified ImageId does not exist.指定的鏡像在該用戶賬號下不存在,請您檢查鏡像 ID 是否正確。診斷
403Forbidden.RAMUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM.當前用戶沒有權限對指定資源進行操作診斷
403Forbedden.NotSupportRAMThis action does not support accessed by RAM mode.RAM 模式下不支持此類操作。診斷
403Forbidden.RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Aliyun RiskControl system.該操作被風險控制系統禁止。診斷
503ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.請求后端超時,請稍后重試。診斷
400InsufficientBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.賬戶余額不足,請先充值再操作。診斷
400IdempotentParameterMismatchRequest uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request.與相同 ClientToken 的請求參數不符合。診斷
403RealNameAuthenticationErrorYour account has not passed the real-name authentication yet.您的阿里云賬號尚未通過實名認證,請先實名認證后再操作。診斷
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameters are not valid.-診斷
400MissingParameterThe specified parameters are insufficient for current request.缺少參數診斷
404InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe specified RegionId does not exist.指定的地域 ID 不存在。診斷
400ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.請求被流控。診斷
409OperationConflictRequest was denied due to conflict with a previous request.請求沖突,稍等一段時間重試,或者提交工單反饋。診斷
403InvalidIdempotenceParameter.MismatchThe specified parameters are different from before.指定的參數 Idempotence 前后不一致。診斷
403LastTokenProcessingThe last token request is processing.正在處理上一條令牌請求,請您稍后再試。診斷
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is not valid無效的參數,請檢查該參數是否正確。診斷
403InvalidAccount.NotFoundThe Account is not found or ak is expired.指定的賬號不存在。診斷
403InvalidParameter.OwnerAccountOwnerAccount is Invalid.指定的參數 OwnerAccount 不合法。診斷
403ChargeTypeViolationThe operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance.付費方式不支持該操作,請您檢查實例的付費類型是否與該操作沖突。診斷
403InvalidParameter.ResourceOwnerAccountResourceOwnerAccount is Invalid.指定的 ResourceOwnerAccount 不合法。診斷
400InvalidParameter.IsNullThe required parameter must be not null.參數不能為空,請您該參數是否正確。診斷
403Forbidden.UnauthorizedUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource.跨 bid 調用被禁止,請您檢查該參數是否正確,如果未解決請提交工單。診斷
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.內部錯誤,請重試。診斷
503ServiceUnavailable.RegionMaintainingSystem maintenance is in progress on the selected region, please wait a few minutes before trying again.所選地域正在進行系統維護,請等待幾分鐘,然后重試。診斷
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error.內部錯誤,請重試。診斷
400InsufficientBalance.CreditPayInsufficient credit. Please contact your agent for adjustment.代理商信用不足,請與您的代理商聯系。診斷
400InsufficientBalance.AgentCreditInsufficient agent credit. Please contact your agent.代理商信用不足,請與您的代理商聯系。診斷
403InvalidInstance.UnPaidOrderThe specified Instance has unpaid order.指定的實例有未支付的訂單,請您先支付再進行操作。診斷
403Account.ArrearageYour account has an outstanding payment.您的賬號存在未支付的款項。診斷
403InvalidInstanceType.NotSupportedThe specified InstanceType is not Supported.不支持指定的InstanceType。診斷
403InvalidPayMethodThe specified pay method is not valid.沒有可用的付費方式。診斷
403InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.賬號余額不足,請您先充值再進行該操作。診斷
400InvalidAmount.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter MinAmount or MaxAmount is not valid.指定的參數 MinAmount 或者 MaxAmount 無效。診斷
403OperationDenied.ActivityQuotaExceedActivity can not be participated again.您參加這次活動的次數已達到上限。診斷
400DryRunOperationRequest validation has been passed with DryRun flag set.通過“DryRun”校驗,您的請求已通過驗證。診斷
403PaymentMethodNotFoundNo payment method has been registered on the account.賬戶尚未注冊支付方式。診斷
403Mayi.InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.您的帳戶余額不足。診斷
403InvalidTagKey.MalformedThe specified Tag.n.Key is not valid.指定的標簽鍵參數有誤。診斷
403InvalidTagValue.MalformedThe specified Tag.n.Value is not valid.指定的標簽值參數有誤。診斷
403InvalidAccountStatusYour account status is invalid, please contact customer service.-診斷
403IdempotentParameterMismatchArguments on this idempotent request are inconsistent with arguments used in previous request(s).冪等 token 相同但是參數不同。診斷
403IdempotentProcessingThe previous idempotent request(s) is still processing.先前的冪等請求仍在處理中,請稍后重試。診斷
400IdempotentFailedThe previous idempotent request(s) has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.由于某些未知錯誤,異常或失敗,先前的冪等請求已失敗。診斷
400InvalidOperation.NotSupportedEndpointThe specified endpoint can't operate this region. Please use API DescribeRegions to get the appropriate endpoint, or upgrade your SDK to latest version.指定的域名不能操作此Region的資源或接口診斷
400InvalidRegionId.MalFormedThe specified parameter RegionId is not valid.指定的 RegionId 不合法。診斷
403Account.InformationIncompleteYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before ordering.-診斷
403IncompleteAccountInfoYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.用戶信息尚未完善,請補全信息后再操作,路徑:賬號中心-基本信息。診斷
403IncompleteTaxInfoYour tax information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.-診斷
403InvalidPaymentMethod.IncompleteNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.-診斷
403InvalidPaymentMethod.MissingYour payment method is incomplete. We recommend that you add a payment method.-診斷
403InsuffcientBalanceOrBankAccountAdd a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance. Get started by creating an instance.-診斷
403InvalidPaymentMethod.MissingNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.-診斷
403InvalidPaymentMethod.InsufficientBalanceNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance.-診斷
403InvalidPaymentMethod.NoAccessNo payment method is specified for your account. Please contact your Customer Manager or open a ticket.-診斷
400InvalidOperation.InstanceFromPackageBuyThis operation is not permitted as the instance is part of a package. If you want to renew the instance, please operate in the billing center.實例是通過套餐的形式進行購買,不允許此操作。如需續費,請在計費中心進行。 診斷
400AccountForbidden.DistributorAuthorizationRequiredYour account is associated with your reseller partner. Your application for activating this service has been sent to your reseller partner. Please activate this service again after receiving an approval from your reseller partner.當前賬號為代銷伙伴關聯賬號,該賬號下提交的服務開通需求,需經代銷伙伴確認。您已成功提交開通申請,請關注伙伴確認結果的通知。代銷伙伴同意此開通申請后,請您再次操作開通此產品。診斷
400ServiceUnavailable.TradeSystemUpgradingThe trade system is in the process of upgrading, upgrade time 0100 to 0800CST May16 2020, announcement http://bestwisewords.com/noticelist/articleid/1060291050.html . Please try again later.-診斷
403SecurityRisk.AuthVerificationWe have detected a security risk with your payment method. Please proceed with verification via the link in your email or console message and re-submit your order after verification.系統檢測到您的支付方式存在風險,請通過郵件或站內信中的鏈接完成驗證。驗證完成后重新下單。診斷
403SystemBusySystem is busy, please try again later.-診斷
400Image.AccountNotSupportedYour account is not support ordering product in marketplace, please change other accounts.您的賬號不支持購買云市場鏡像,請更換其他賬號重試。診斷
429Throttling.ConcurrentLimitExceededThe maximum number of concurrent requests has been reached, please try again later.請求并發數超限,請稍后重試。診斷
400InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughQuotaYour current account quota is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota for you.您當前賬戶配額不足,您可以聯系您的渠道合作伙伴為您增加配額。診斷
403AssumeRoleErrorThe resource owner has not granted the current account the necessary RAM authorizations.資源擁有者未授予當前用戶必要的RAM角色權限。診斷
403InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalanceYour account does not have enough balance to order postpaid product.使用按量付費產品,您的賬戶余額不得少于100元,請充值后再操作。診斷
403OperationDenied.DiskInTrusteeshipDisk in trusteeship does not support current operation.磁盤處于托管狀態,暫不支持此操作診斷
403InvalidInstance.NotFoundSystemDiskThe specified instance not found system disk.實例系統盤缺失。診斷