HTTP status code | 狀態碼 | 狀態信息 | 描述 |
500 | ServerError | Server error. | 系統錯誤 |
400 | BRK.InvalidPhrasesParameter | Invalid hotwords parameter. | 參數錯誤 |
400 | BRK.InvalidPhrasesParameterLength | The length of the parameter does not conform to the specification. | 參數長度超過限制 |
400 | BRK.InvalidPhrasesWordNum | The number of words in the argument exceeded the maximum value or was empty. | 熱詞詞表的數量超過限制 |
400 | BRK.InvalidPhrasesWordLength | The length of the phrase in the parameter is too large or empty. | 熱詞的長度超過限制 |
400 | BRK.InvalidPhrasesWeight | The weight of the words in the parameter is not in the correct interval. | 熱詞權重參數不為整數或超出限制 |
0 | PHS.Exceed | The num of the phrase exceeds the upper limit. | 用戶的擁有的詞表數量達到上限(默認為10) |
0 | PHS.InvalidId | The phrase id is invalid. | 熱詞ID無效 |