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Provides a Web Application Firewall(WAF) Protection Module resource.

For information about Web Application Firewall(WAF) Protection Module and how to use it, see What is Protection Module.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.141.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_waf_instances" "default" {

resource "alicloud_waf_domain" "default" {
  domain_name       = "you domain"
  instance_id       = data.alicloud_waf_instances.default.ids.0
  is_access_product = "On"
  source_ips        = [""]
  cluster_type      = "PhysicalCluster"
  http2_port        = [443]
  http_port         = [80]
  https_port        = [443]
  http_to_user_ip   = "Off"
  https_redirect    = "Off"
  load_balancing    = "IpHash"
  log_headers {
    key   = "foo"
    value = "http"

resource "alicloud_waf_protection_module" "default" {
  instance_id  = data.alicloud_waf_instances.default.ids.0
  domain       = alicloud_waf_domain.default.domain_name
  defense_type = "ac_cc"
  mode         = 0
  status       = 0

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • defense_type - (Required, ForceNew) The Protection Module. Valid values: ac_cc, antifraud, dld, normalized, waf.
    • waf: RegEx Protection Engine.
    • dld: Big Data Deep Learning Engine.
    • ac_cc: HTTP Flood Protection.
    • antifraud: Data Risk Control.
    • normalized: Positive Security Model.
  • domain - (Required, ForceNew) The domain name that is added to WAF.
  • instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the WAF instance.
  • mode - (Required) The protection mode of the specified protection module. NOTE: The value of the Mode parameter varies based on the value of the defense_type parameter.
    • The defense_type is waf. 0: block mode. 1: warn mode.
    • The defense_type is dld. 0: warn mode. 1: block mode.
    • The defense_type is ac_cc. 0: prevention mode. 1: protection-emergency mode.
    • The defense_type is antifraud. 0: warn mode. 1: block mode. 2: strict interception mode.
    • The defense_type is normalized. 0: warn mode. 1: block mode.
  • status - (Optional) The status of the resource. Valid values: 0, 1.
    • 0: disables the protection module.
    • 1: enables the protection module.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID of Protection Module. The value formats as <instance_id>:<domain>:<defense_type>.


Web Application Firewall(WAF) Protection Module can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_waf_protection_module.example <instance_id>:<domain>:<defense_type>