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Provides a Service Catalog Provisioned Product resource.

For information about Service Catalog Provisioned Product and how to use it, see What is Provisioned Product.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.196.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-testAccServiceCatalogProvisionedProduct"

resource "alicloud_service_catalog_provisioned_product" "default" {
  provisioned_product_name = var.name
  stack_region_id          = "cn-hangzhou"
  product_version_id       = "pv-bp1d7dxy2pcc1g"
  product_id               = "prod-bp1u3dkc282cwd"
  portfolio_id             = "port-bp119dvn27jccw"
  tags = {
    "v1" = "tf-test"
  parameters {
    parameter_key   = "role_name"
    parameter_value = var.name

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • parameters - (Optional) Template parameters entered by the user.The maximum value of N is 200.See the following Block Parameters.
  • portfolio_id - (Optional) Product mix ID.> When there is a default Startup option, there is no need to fill in the portfolio. When there is no default Startup option, you must fill in the portfolio.
  • product_id - (Required) Product ID.
  • product_version_id - (Required) Product version ID.
  • provisioned_product_name - (Required,ForceNew) The name of the instance.The length is 1~128 characters.
  • stack_region_id - (Required,ForceNew) The ID of the region to which the resource stack of the Alibaba Cloud resource orchestration service (ROS) belongs.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.

Block Parameters

The Parameters support the following:

  • parameter_key - (Optional) The name of the parameter defined in the template.
  • parameter_value - (Optional) The Template parameter value entered by the user.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The key of the resource supplied above.
  • create_time - The creation time of the product instance
  • last_provisioning_task_id - The ID of the last instance operation task
  • last_successful_provisioning_task_id - The ID of the last successful instance operation task
  • last_task_id - The ID of the last task
  • outputs - The output value of the template.
    • description - Description of the output value defined in the template.
    • output_key - The name of the output value defined in the template.
    • output_value - The content of the output value defined in the template.
  • owner_principal_id - The RAM entity ID of the owner
  • owner_principal_type - The RAM entity type of the owner
  • product_name - The name of the product
  • product_version_name - The name of the product version
  • provisioned_product_arn - The ARN of the product instance
  • provisioned_product_id - The ID of the instance.
  • provisioned_product_type - Instance type.The value is RosStack, which indicates the stack of Alibaba Cloud resource orchestration service (ROS).
  • stack_id - The ID of the ROS stack
  • status - Instance status
  • status_message - The status message of the product instance


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 3 mins) Used when create the Provisioned Product.
  • delete - (Defaults to 24 mins) Used when delete the Provisioned Product.
  • update - (Defaults to 24 mins) Used when update the Provisioned Product.


Service Catalog Provisioned Product can be imported using the id, e.g.

$terraform import alicloud_service_catalog_provisioned_product.example <id>