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This data source provides the Hbr Snapshots of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.133.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_hbr_ecs_backup_plans" "default" {
  name_regex = "plan-tf-used-dont-delete"

data "alicloud_hbr_oss_backup_plans" "default" {
  name_regex = "plan-tf-used-dont-delete"

data "alicloud_hbr_nas_backup_plans" "default" {
  name_regex = "plan-tf-used-dont-delete"

data "alicloud_hbr_snapshots" "ecs_snapshots" {
  source_type = "ECS_FILE"
  vault_id    = data.alicloud_hbr_ecs_backup_plans.default.plans.0.vault_id
  instance_id = data.alicloud_hbr_ecs_backup_plans.default.plans.0.instance_id

data "alicloud_hbr_snapshots" "oss_snapshots" {
  source_type           = "OSS"
  vault_id              = data.alicloud_hbr_oss_backup_plans.default.plans.0.vault_id
  bucket                = data.alicloud_hbr_oss_backup_plans.default.plans.0.bucket
  complete_time         = "2021-07-20T14:17:15CST,2021-07-24T14:17:15CST"
  complete_time_checker = "BETWEEN"

data "alicloud_hbr_snapshots" "nas_snapshots" {
  source_type           = "NAS"
  vault_id              = data.alicloud_hbr_nas_backup_plans.default.plans.0.vault_id
  file_system_id        = data.alicloud_hbr_nas_backup_plans.default.plans.0.file_system_id
  create_time           = data.alicloud_hbr_nas_backup_plans.default.plans.0.create_time
  complete_time         = "2021-08-23T14:17:15CST"
  complete_time_checker = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL"

output "hbr_snapshot_id_1" {
  value = data.alicloud_hbr_snapshots.nas_snapshots.snapshots.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Snapshot IDs.
  • vault_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of Vault.
  • source_type - (Required, ForceNew) Data source type, valid values: ECS_FILE, OSS, NAS.
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of snapshot, valid values: COMPLETE, PARTIAL_COMPLETE.
  • instance_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The ID of ECS instance. The ecs backup client must have been installed on the host. While source_type equals ECS_FILE, this parameter must be set.
  • bucket - (Optional, ForceNew) The bucket name of OSS. While source_type equals OSS, this parameter must be set.
  • file_system_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The File System ID of Nas. While source_type equals NAS, this parameter must be set.
  • create_time - (Optional, ForceNew) File system creation timestamp of Nas. While source_type equals NAS, this parameter must be set. Note The time format of the API adopts the ISO 8601 format, such as 2021-07-09T15:45:30CST or 2021-07-09T07:45:30Z.
  • complete_time - (Optional, ForceNew) Timestamp of Snapshot completion. Note The time format of the API adopts the ISO 8601 format, such as 2021-07-09T15:45:30CST or 2021-07-09T07:45:30Z. Note: While complete_time_checker equals BETWEEN, this field should be formatted such as "2021-08-20T14:17:15CST,2021-08-26T14:17:15CST", The first part of this string is the start time, the second part is the end time, and the two parts should be separated by commas.
  • complete_time_checker - (Optional, ForceNew) Complete time filter operator. Optional values: MATCH_TERM, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, BETWEEN.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • snapshots - A list of Hbr Snapshots. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the Snapshot.
    • snapshot_id - The ID of the Snapshot.
    • snapshot_hash - The hashcode of Snapshot.
    • job_id - The job ID of backup task.
    • source_type - Data source type, optional values: ECS_FILE, OSS, NAS.
    • backup_type - Backup type. Possible values: COMPLETE (full backup).
    • actual_bytes - The actual data volume of the snapshot. Unit byte.
    • actual_items - The actual number of items in the snapshot. (Currently only file backup is available).
    • bytes_done - The incremental amount of backup data. Unit byte.
    • bytes_total - The total amount of data sources. Unit byte.
    • created_time - Snapshot creation time. UNIX time in seconds.
    • start_time - The start time of the snapshot. UNIX time in seconds.
    • updated_time - The update time of snapshot. UNIX time in seconds.
    • complete_time - The time when the snapshot completed. UNIX time in seconds.
    • instance_id - (ECS_FILE) The ID of ECS instance.
    • client_id - (ECS_FILE) The ID of ECS backup client.
    • bucket - (OSS) The name of OSS bucket.
    • file_system_id - (NAS) The ID of NAS File system.
    • create_time - (NAS) File System Creation Time of Nas. Unix Time Seconds.
    • path - (ECS_FILE, NAS) Backup Path.
    • prefix - (OSS) Backup file prefix.
    • items_done - The number of backup items. (Currently only file backup is available).
    • items_total - The total number of data source items. (Currently only file backup is available).
    • parent_snapshot_hash - The hashcode of parent backup snapshot.
    • retention - The number of days to keep.
    • status - The status of snapshot execution. Possible values: COMPLETE, PARTIAL_COMPLETE, FAILED.