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This data source provides the Emr Clusters of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> DEPRECATED: This datasource has been deprecated from version 1.204.0. Please use new datasource emrv2_clusters.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.146.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-testAccClusters"

data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {
  status = "OK"

data "alicloud_emr_main_versions" "default" {}

data "alicloud_emr_instance_types" "default" {
  destination_resource  = "InstanceType"
  cluster_type          = data.alicloud_emr_main_versions.default.main_versions.0.cluster_types.0
  support_local_storage = false
  instance_charge_type  = "PostPaid"
  support_node_type     = ["MASTER", "CORE", "TASK"]

data "alicloud_emr_disk_types" "data_disk" {
  destination_resource = "DataDisk"
  cluster_type         = data.alicloud_emr_main_versions.default.main_versions.0.cluster_types.0
  instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
  instance_type        = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.id
  zone_id              = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.zone_id

data "alicloud_emr_disk_types" "system_disk" {
  destination_resource = "SystemDisk"
  cluster_type         = data.alicloud_emr_main_versions.default.main_versions.0.cluster_types.0
  instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
  instance_type        = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.id
  zone_id              = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.zone_id

resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
  name   = var.name
  vpc_id = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  name_regex = "default-NODELETING"

data "alicloud_vswitches" "default" {
  vpc_id  = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
  zone_id = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.zone_id

resource "alicloud_ram_role" "default" {
  name        = var.name
  document    = <<EOF
        "Statement": [
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
            "Service": [
        "Version": "1"
  description = "this is a role test."
  force       = true

resource "alicloud_emr_cluster" "default" {
  name    = var.name
  emr_ver = data.alicloud_emr_main_versions.default.main_versions.0.emr_version

  cluster_type = data.alicloud_emr_main_versions.default.main_versions.0.cluster_types.0

  host_group {
    host_group_name   = "master_group"
    host_group_type   = "MASTER"
    node_count        = "2"
    instance_type     = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.id
    disk_type         = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.value
    disk_capacity     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min : 160
    disk_count        = "1"
    sys_disk_type     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.value
    sys_disk_capacity = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min : 160

  host_group {
    host_group_name   = "core_group"
    host_group_type   = "CORE"
    node_count        = "3"
    instance_type     = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.id
    disk_type         = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.value
    disk_capacity     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min : 160
    disk_count        = "4"
    sys_disk_type     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.value
    sys_disk_capacity = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min : 160

  host_group {
    host_group_name   = "task_group"
    host_group_type   = "TASK"
    node_count        = "2"
    instance_type     = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.id
    disk_type         = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.value
    disk_capacity     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.data_disk.types.0.min : 160
    disk_count        = "4"
    sys_disk_type     = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.value
    sys_disk_capacity = data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min > 160 ? data.alicloud_emr_disk_types.system_disk.types.0.min : 160

  high_availability_enable  = true
  zone_id                   = data.alicloud_emr_instance_types.default.types.0.zone_id
  security_group_id         = alicloud_security_group.default.id
  is_open_public_ip         = true
  charge_type               = "PostPaid"
  vswitch_id                = data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids.0
  user_defined_emr_ecs_role = alicloud_ram_role.default.name
  ssh_enable                = true
  master_pwd                = "ABCtest1234!"
  tags = {
    Created = "TF"
    For     = "acceptance test"

data "alicloud_emr_clusters" "ids" {}
output "emr_cluster_id_1" {
  value = data.alicloud_emr_clusters.ids.clusters.0.id

data "alicloud_emr_clusters" "nameRegex" {
  name_regex = alicloud_emr_cluster.default.name
output "emr_cluster_id_2" {
  value = data.alicloud_emr_clusters.nameRegex.clusters.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The cluster name.
  • cluster_type_list - (Optional, ForceNew) The cluster type list.
  • create_type - (Optional, ForceNew) How to create a cluster. Valid values: ON-DEMAND, MANUAL.
  • default_status - (Optional, ForceNew) The default status.
  • deposit_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The hosting type of the cluster. Valid values: HALF_MANAGED, MANAGED.
  • enable_details - (Optional) Default to false. Set it to true can output more details about resource attributes.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Cluster IDs.
  • is_desc - (Optional, ForceNew) The is desc.
  • machine_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The host type of the cluster. The default is ECS. Valid values: DOCKER, ECS, PYHSICAL_MACHINE, ECS_FROM_ECM_HOSTPOOL.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Cluster name.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • resource_group_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The Resource Group ID.
  • status_list - (Optional, ForceNew) The status list. Valid values: ABNORMAL, CREATE_FAILED, CREATING, IDLE, RELEASED, RELEASE_FAILED, RELEASING, RUNNING, WAIT_FOR_PAY.
  • vpc_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The VPC ID.

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Cluster names.
  • clusters - A list of Emr Clusters. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • access_info - Cluster connection information.
      • zk_links - Link address information list of ZooKeeper. * link - The access link address of ZooKeeper. * port - The port of ZooKeeper.
    • auto_scaling_allowed - Whether flexible expansion is allowed.
    • auto_scaling_by_load_allowed - Whether to allow expansion by load.
    • auto_scaling_enable - Whether to enable elastic expansion.
    • auto_scaling_spot_with_limit_allowed - Whether to allow the use of elastic scaling bidding instances.
    • bootstrap_action_list - List of boot actions.
      • name - The name of the boot operation.
      • path - Boot operation script path.
      • arg - Parameters of the boot operation.
    • bootstrap_failed - The result of the boot operation.
    • cluster_id - The first ID of the resource.
    • cluster_name - The ClusterName.
    • create_resource - Cluster tag, no need to pay attention.
    • create_time - The creation time of the resource.
    • create_type - How to create a cluster.
    • deposit_type - The hosting type of the cluster.
    • eas_enable - High security cluster.
    • expired_time - The expiration time of the cluster.
    • extra_info - Additional information for Stack.
    • high_availability_enable - High availability cluster.
    • host_group_list - List of cluster machine groups.
      • host_group_name - The name of the machine group.
      • instance_type - Machine Group instance.
      • nodes - Machine node.
        • create_time - Creation time.
        • disk_infos - Disk information.
          • device - The disk name.
          • disk_id - The ID of the disk.
          • disk_name - The disk name.
          • size - Disk capacity.
          • type - Disk type.
        • expired_time - Timeout time.
        • inner_ip - The Intranet IP of the EMR.
        • emr_expired_time - The timeout of the EMR.
        • instance_id - The ID of the ECS instance.
        • pub_ip - Public IP address.
        • status - Status.
        • support_ipv6 - Whether IPV6 is supported.
        • zone_id - The zone ID.
      • band_width - Bandwidth.
      • disk_capacity - Data disk capacity.
      • disk_count - The number of data disks.
      • disk_type - System disk type:
      • memory_capacity - Memory size.
      • node_count - The number of machine group nodes.
      • period - Package year and month time (days).
      • charge_type - Payment Type.
      • cpu_core - The number of CPU cores.
      • host_group_change_type - The current operation type of the machine Group:
      • host_group_id - The ID of the machine group.
      • host_group_type - Role of host in cluster:
    • host_pool_info - Machine pool information.
      • hp_biz_id - Machine pool ID.
      • hp_name - The name of the machine pool.
    • image_id - The ID of the image used to create the cluster.
    • local_meta_db - Whether to use Hive local Metabase.
    • machine_type - The host type of the cluster. The default is ECS.
    • meta_store_type - Metadata type:
    • net_type - Cluster network type.
    • payment_type - The payment type of the resource.
    • period - The package year and month time of the machine group. The Valid Values : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, 36.
    • relate_cluster_info - The information of the primary cluster associated with the Gateway.
      • cluster_id - The ID of the associated cluster.
      • cluster_name - The name of the associated cluster.
      • cluster_type - The cluster type of the associated cluster.
      • status - The status of the associated cluster.
    • resize_disk_enable - Whether to allow disk expansion:
    • running_time - The time (in seconds) that has been running.
    • security_group_id - The ID of the security group.
    • security_group_name - The name of the security group.
    • software_info - Service list.
      • cluster_type - Cluster type:
      • emr_ver - E-MapReduce version number.
      • softwares - Service list.
        • display_name - The name of the service.
        • name - The internal name of the service.
        • only_display - Whether it shows.
        • start_tpe - Startup type.
        • version - Service version.
    • start_time - Cluster startup time.
    • status - The cluster status.
    • stop_time - Cluster stop time.
    • tags - A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    • user_defined_emr_ecs_role - The EMR permission name used.
    • user_id - The user ID.
    • vpc_id - The VPC ID.
    • vswitch_id - The vswitch id.
    • zone_id - The zone ID.