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Provides a ECS Key Pair resource.

For information about ECS Key Pair and how to use it, see What is Key Pair.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.121.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "alicloud_ecs_key_pair" "example" {
  key_pair_name = "key_pair_name"

// Using name prefix to build key pair
resource "alicloud_ecs_key_pair" "prefix" {
  key_name_prefix = "terraform-test-key-pair-prefix"

// Import an existing public key to build a alicloud key pair
resource "alicloud_ecs_key_pair" "publickey" {
  key_pair_name = "my_public_key"
  public_key    = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza12345678qwertyuudsfsg"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • key_file - (Optional, ForceNew) The key file.
  • key_pair_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The key pair's name. It is the only in one Alicloud account, the key pair's name. must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter.
  • key_name - (Optional, ForceNew, Deprecated from v1.121.0+) Field key_name has been deprecated from provider version 1.121.0. New field key_pair_name instead.
  • key_name_prefix - (Optional, ForceNew) The key pair name's prefix. It is conflict with key_pair_name. If it is specified, terraform will using it to build the only key name.
  • public_key - (Optional) You can import an existing public key and using Alicloud key pair to manage it. If this parameter is specified, resource_group_id is the key pair belongs.
  • resource_group_id - (Optional) The Id of resource group which the key pair belongs.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.

-> NOTE: If key_pair_name and key_name_prefix are not set, terraform will produce a specified ID to replace.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Key Pair. Value as key_pair_name.
  • finger_print The finger print of the key pair.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins, Available in 1.173.0+) Used when delete the key pair.


ECS Key Pair can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_ecs_key_pair.example <key_name>