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Provides a DMS Enterprise User resource. For information about Alidms Enterprise User and how to use it, see What is Resource Alidms Enterprise User.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.90.0.

Example Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tfexamplename"
resource "alicloud_ram_user" "default" {
  name         = var.name
  display_name = var.name
  mobile       = "86-18688888888"
  email        = "hello.uuu@aaa.com"
  comments     = "example"

resource "alicloud_dms_enterprise_user" "default" {
  uid        = alicloud_ram_user.default.id
  user_name  = var.name
  role_names = ["DBA"]
  mobile     = "86-18688888888"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • tid - (Optional) The tenant ID.
  • uid - (Required, ForceNew) The Alibaba Cloud unique ID (UID) of the user to add.
  • status - (Optional) The state of DMS Enterprise User. Valid values: NORMAL, DISABLE.
  • role_names - (Optional) The roles that the user plays.
  • nick_name - (Optional, Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.100.0 and use user_name instead.
  • user_name - (Optional, Available in 1.100.0+) The nickname of the user.
  • mobile - (Optional) The DingTalk number or mobile number of the user.
  • max_result_count - (Optional) Query the maximum number of rows on the day.
  • max_execute_count - (Optional) Maximum number of inquiries on the day.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The Alibaba Cloud unique ID of the user. The value is same as the UID.


DMS Enterprise User can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_dms_enterprise_user.example 24356xxx