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Provides a Cloud Config Aggregate Config Rule resource.

For information about Cloud Config Aggregate Config Rule and how to use it, see What is Aggregate Config Rule.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.124.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"
data "alicloud_resource_manager_accounts" "default" {
  status = "CreateSuccess"

resource "alicloud_config_aggregator" "default" {
  aggregator_accounts {
    account_id   = data.alicloud_resource_manager_accounts.default.accounts.0.account_id
    account_name = data.alicloud_resource_manager_accounts.default.accounts.0.display_name
    account_type = "ResourceDirectory"
  aggregator_name = var.name
  description     = var.name
  aggregator_type = "CUSTOM"
resource "alicloud_config_aggregate_config_rule" "default" {
  aggregate_config_rule_name = "contains-tag"
  aggregator_id              = alicloud_config_aggregator.default.id
  config_rule_trigger_types  = "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification"
  source_owner               = "ALIYUN"
  source_identifier          = "contains-tag"
  risk_level                 = 1
  resource_types_scope       = ["ACS::ECS::Instance"]
  input_parameters = {
    key   = "example"
    value = "example"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • aggregate_config_rule_name - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the rule.
  • aggregator_id - (Required, ForceNew) The Aggregator Id.
  • config_rule_trigger_types - (Required) The trigger type of the rule. Valid values: ConfigurationItemChangeNotification: The rule is triggered upon configuration changes. ScheduledNotification: The rule is triggered as scheduled.
  • description - (Optional) The description of the rule.
  • exclude_resource_ids_scope - (Optional) The rule monitors excluded resource IDs, multiple of which are separated by commas, only applies to rules created based on managed rules, , custom rule this field is empty.
  • input_parameters - (Optional) The settings map of the input parameters for the rule.
  • source_identifier- (Required, ForceNew) The identifier of the rule. For a managed rule, the value is the identifier of the managed rule. For a custom rule, the value is the ARN of the custom rule. Using managed rules, refer to List of Managed rules.
  • source_owner- (Required, ForceNew) Specifies whether you or Alibaba Cloud owns and manages the rule. Valid values: CUSTOM_FC: The rule is a custom rule and you own the rule. ALIYUN: The rule is a managed rule and Alibaba Cloud owns the rule.
  • maximum_execution_frequency - (Optional) The frequency of the compliance evaluations. Valid values: One_Hour, Three_Hours, Six_Hours, Twelve_Hours, TwentyFour_Hours. System default value is TwentyFour_Hours and valid when the config_rule_trigger_types is ScheduledNotification.
  • region_ids_scope - (Optional) The rule monitors region IDs, separated by commas, only applies to rules created based on managed rules.
  • resource_group_ids_scope - (Optional) The rule monitors resource group IDs, separated by commas, only applies to rules created based on managed rules.
  • resource_types_scope - (Required) Resource types to be evaluated. Alibaba Cloud services that support Cloud Config.
  • risk_level - (Required) The risk level of the resources that are not compliant with the rule. Valid values: 1: critical 2: warning 3: info.
  • tag_key_scope - (Optional) The rule monitors the tag key, only applies to rules created based on managed rules.
  • tag_value_scope - (Optional) The rule monitors the tag value, use with the tag_key_scope options. only applies to rules created based on managed rules.
  • status - (Optional, Available since v1.145.0) The rule status. The valid values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID of Aggregate Config Rule. The value is formatted <aggregator_id>:<config_rule_id>.
  • config_rule_id - (Available since v1.141.0) The rule ID of Aggregate Config Rule.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 10 mins) Used when create the Aggregate Config Rule.
  • update - (Defaults to 10 mins) Used when update the Aggregate Config Rule.


Cloud Config Aggregate Config Rule can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_config_aggregate_config_rule.example "<aggregator_id>:<config_rule_id>"