您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接運行該接口,免去您計算簽名的困擾。運行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自動生成SDK代碼示例。
- 操作:是指具體的權限點。
- 訪問級別:是指每個操作的訪問級別,取值為寫入(Write)、讀取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 資源類型:是指操作中支持授權的資源類型。具體說明如下:
- 對于必選的資源類型,用背景高亮的方式表示。
- 對于不支持資源級授權的操作,用
- 條件關鍵字:是指云產品自身定義的條件關鍵字。
- 關聯操作:是指成功執行操作所需要的其他權限。操作者必須同時具備關聯操作的權限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 訪問級別 | 資源類型 | 條件關鍵字 | 關聯操作 |
rds:RestoreTable | create | *DBInstance acs:rds:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:dbinstance/{#dbinstanceId} |
| 無 |
名稱 | 類型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
ClientToken | string | 否 | 用于保證請求的冪等性,防止重復提交請求。由客戶端生成該參數值,要保證在不同請求間唯一,最大值不超過 64 個 ASCII 字符,且該參數值中不能包含非 ASCII 字符。 | ETnLKlblzczshOTUbOCz**** |
DBInstanceId | string | 是 | 實例 ID。 | rm-uf6wjk5**** |
BackupId | string | 否 | 備份集 ID。您可以通過 DescribeBackups 接口獲取備份集列表。 說明
BackupId 和 RestoreTime 兩者至少傳入一個。
| 902**** |
RestoreTime | string | 否 | 備份保留周期內的任意時間點。格式:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ(UTC 時間)。 說明
| 2011-06-11T16:00:00Z |
TableMeta | string | 是 | 指定恢復的庫表。格式:
| [{"type":"db","name":"testdb1","newname":"testdb1_new","tables":[{"type":"table","name":"testdb1table1","newname":"testdb1table1_new"}]}] |
InstantRecovery | boolean | 否 | true |
"RequestId": "EA2D4F34-01A7-46EB-A339-D80882135206"
HTTP status code | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidRestoreType.Format | Specified restore type is not valid. | 指定的恢復類型無效。請設置合理的恢復類型。 |
400 | InvalidRestoreTime.Format | Specified restore time is not valid. | 操作失敗,當前指定的恢復時間無效,請重新設置恢復時間。 |
400 | InvalidBakset.Invalid | Specified bakset is not valid. | 指定的備份集不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalidParamTableMeta | Invalid parameter TableMeta is null or not json format | 參數TableMeta不合法,請檢查該參數的正確性。 |
400 | InvalidBakHistoryDO | BakHistory is inbalid when check restore TableMeta | - |
400 | InvalidBakTableMetaDO | BakTableMeta in BakHistory.Info is invalid | - |
400 | InvalidParamTableMeta.Content | TableMeta has duplicate db.table in newname or with common. | 表元數據中包含了重復的表名。 |
400 | InvalidParamTableMeta.Duplicate | TableMeta has duplicate db or table with other newname, commons or system | 操作失敗,數據庫中已存在指定恢復的庫表。 |
400 | InvalidSourceRestoreDBName.NotFound | specific source restore dbname is not found in db list | 操作失敗,備份集中不存在指定恢復的數據庫。 |
400 | InvalidParamTableMetaForRestore.Content | new dbname or table in TableMeta cannot be same with old when restore to source instance | - |
400 | InvalidDBName.Duplicate | Specified DB name already exists in the This instance. | 當前實例中已存在相同的數據庫名稱。請更換名稱。 |
400 | InvalidParameters.Format | Specified parameters is not valid. | 無效的參數。 |
400 | InvalidAvZone.Format | Specified AvZone is not valid. | 指定的AvZone不合法,請檢查該參數的正確性。 |
400 | InvalidRegion.Format | Specified Region is not valid. | 指定的地域不合法,請檢查該參數的正確性。 |
400 | InvalidIP.Format | Specified ip is not valid. | - |
400 | InvalidVpcParameter | Specified VPCId VSwitchId or IPAddress or TunnelId is not valid. | VPCId VSwitchId不合法,請檢查VPCId VSwitchId的正確性。 |
400 | MissingUserID | The request is missing a user_id parameter. | 用戶ID不存在。 |
400 | MissingUID | The request is missing a uid parameter. | 操作失敗,當前請求缺失UID。 |
400 | MissBackupSetAndRestoreTime.NotFound | Both BackupSet and RestoreTime are null. | 操作失敗,BackupSet和RestoreTime都為空。 |
400 | InvalidBakHistory.DbVersionMismatch | db version of bakhistory is mismatch with custins | 庫表恢復不允許備份數據的版本和原實例版本不同 |
400 | DiskSize.NotEnough | The disk size is not enough to restore tables. | 磁盤剩余空間不足。 |
400 | InvalidSourceCategory | specified source category is not supported for this function. | - |
400 | RestoreTableException | RestoreTable Exception, result is null. | RestoreTable異常,結果為null。 |
400 | InvalidParamTableMeta.TooManyTables | At most 100 tables are supported. Restoring the database is recommended. | 表元數據最多支持100個表,建議恢復數據庫。 |
400 | InvalideStatus.Format | The instance status does not support this operation. | 實例狀態不支持此操作。 |
400 | Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate | A package instance is not allowed to operate independently. | 套餐實例不允許單獨操作。 |
400 | Price.PricingPlanResultNotFound | Pricing plan price result not found. | 定價計劃價格結果沒有找到。 |
400 | Order.NoRealNameAuthentication | You have not passed the real-name authentication and do not meet the purchase conditions. Please log in to the user center for real-name authentication. | 您還未通過實名認證,不符合購買條件,請登錄費用與成本進行實名認證。 |
400 | InsufficientAvailableQuota | Your account quota limit is less than 0, please recharge before trying to purchase. | 您的賬戶可用額度小于0,請先充值后再嘗試購買。 |
400 | CommodityServiceCalling.Exception | Failed to call commodity service. | 調用商品服務返回失敗。 |
400 | RegionDissolvedEOM | Dear customer, Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region. Cloud services in this region will cease operations. You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders. Thank you for your understanding and support. | 客戶您好,阿里云計劃對當前地域進行優化調整,該區域云服務將停止運營,為確保您的業務連續性及數據遷移工作的平穩過渡,您目前無法操作新購類型的訂單,感謝理解與支持。 |
400 | Commodity.InvalidComponent | The module you purchased is not legal, please buy it again. | 您購買的模塊不合法,請重新購買。 |
400 | RegionEndTimeDissolvedAustralia | Cloud services in the Australia (Sydney) region will be discontinued. Set the validity date to September 30, 2024 or earlier than September 30, 2024. | 客戶您好,該地域已裁撤。 |
400 | Price.CommoditySys | Commodity system call exception. | 商品系統調用異常。 |
400 | Pay.InsufficientBalance | Insufficient available balance. | 可用金不足。 |
400 | Order.PeriodInvalid | There is a problem with the period you selected, please choose again. | 您選購的周期有問題,請重新選購。 |
400 | pay.noCreditCard | Account not bound to credit card. | 賬戶未綁定信用卡。 |
400 | Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder | There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased. Please pay or void it before placing the order. | 您選購的服務存在未支付訂單,請支付或作廢后再下單。 |
400 | noAvailablePaymentMethod | No payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method. | 沒有為您的帳戶指定付款方式。我們建議您添加一種付款方式。 |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | Your information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation. | 您的基本信息未完善,請在操作前先完善您的基本信息。 |
400 | Risk.RiskControlRejection | Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service for details. | 您的賬戶出現異常,詳情請聯系客服。 |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | Your information is incomplete, Complete your information before the operation. | 您的信息不完整,請在操作前填寫您的信息。 |
400 | Api.NotSupport | Specified api is not supported. | 當前接口不支持。 |
400 | ContainForbiddenLabelError | There is a label that prohibits placing orders. Please contact your distributor for assistance. | 存在禁止下單的標簽,請聯系您的分銷商處理 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound | The DBInstanceId provided does not exist in records. | 提供的DBInstanceId不存在。 |
400 | InvalidInstanceLevel.DiskType | Specified instance level not support request disk type | 當前實例規格不支持該存儲類型。 |
400 | InvalidParam | Sepcified wal level Parameter is invalid. There are still logical slots in instance, so it can not be set as replica. | 指定的 wal_level 參數無效。實例中仍然存在復制槽,因此無法將其設置為replica。 |
400 | KmsApiError | User secret key invalid. | 用戶密鑰失效。 |
400 | System.SaleValidateFailed | Sales expression validation system error. | 銷售表達式校驗系統錯誤。 |
400 | Abs.InvalidAccount.NotFound | account is not found. | 賬戶不存在。 |
400 | SqlExecuteFailedOrTimeout | sql command execution failed or timed out:%s. | sql命令執行失敗或執行超時 |
400 | ColdData.EngineVersionNotSupport | The current instance engine version not support coldDataEnabled. | 當前實例引擎版本不支持歸檔冷數據。 |
400 | ColdData.MinorVersionNotSupport | The current instance minor version not support coldDataEnabled. | 當前內核版本不支持歸檔冷數據。 |
400 | IncorrectTargetClasscode | The current instance type does not support this operation. | 當前規格不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate | Specified connection string already exists in the RDS. | 鏈接地址名重復,請重新設置連接字符串。 |
400 | RequiredParam.NotFound | Required input param is not found. | 沒有傳入必要的參數。 |
400 | Parameters.Invalid | Parameter error, please check the parameters. | 參數錯誤,請檢查參數。 |
400 | BackupPolicyNotSupport | Cold Data won't open with CrossBackup or Flash Backup, please check Backup Policy. | 數據歸檔不支持跨地域備份和秒級快照,請檢查備份策略。 |
400 | InvalidReleasedKeepPolicy.Format | Specified Released Keep Policy is not valid. | 實例釋放后的歸檔備份保留策略無效。 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceEngineType.Format | the DB instance engine type does not support this operation. | DB實例引擎類型不支持此操作。 |
400 | Pay.NoCreditCard | No credit cards. | 無信用卡。 |
400 | VpcNetworkTypeNotSupport | The vpc network type instance does not support this operation. | vpc網絡類型實例不支持此操作。 |
400 | MirrorInsExists | Specified DB instance mirror ins already existed. | 當前數據庫實例鏡像已存在。 |
400 | UnsupportedClassCode | The specified DB instance class stops selling. | 實例規格停止售賣。 |
400 | InvalidBackupSet | The specified database does not exist in the backup set. | 備份集中沒有指定的數據庫。 |
400 | OrdTCommodityQueryError | Failed to query for product. | 查詢產品失敗。 |
400 | ProductInstanceReleased | The instance has been released. Please check before placing the order. | 實例已釋放,請核實后下單。 |
400 | RegionEndTimeDissolvedIndia | The region is no longer supported. | 指定的地域無效。 |
403 | InvalidBackupLogStatus | Current backup log enable status does not support this operation. | 操作失敗,日志備份未開啟,無法按時間點恢復。 |
403 | IncorrectDBInstanceType | Current DB instance type does not support this operation. | 操作失敗,該實例狀態下不支持此操作。 |
403 | IncorrectDBInstanceState | Current DB instance state does not support this operation. | 當前實例狀態不支持此操作。 |
403 | IncorrectBackupSetMethod | Current backup set method does not support operations. | 操作失敗,指定的備份集不支持庫表恢復。 |
403 | IncorrectBackupSetState | Current backup set state does not support operations. | 操作失敗,當前備份集狀態不支持此操作。 |
403 | ChildDBInstanceExists | Current DB instance had child instance. | 操作失敗,只讀實例已存在。 |
403 | OrderStatus.UnPaid | The specified db instance has unpaid order. | 實例當前存在未支付訂單,請支付后重試。 |
403 | InvalidReduceDiskSize | The storage capacity after the scale-down must be larger than the used amount. | 縮容目標容量不能小于當前存儲空間使用量 |
403 | CloudSSDNotSupport | Cloud ssd does not support this operation, please upgrade to essd. | SSD盤不支持此操作,請升級至ESSD。 |
403 | InvalidUserOperatorPermission | The user permission does not support this operation. | 用戶權限不支持此操作。 |
403 | InvalidVswitchId | Specified conn vswitch id is not valid. | 指定的VSwitchId格式不正確或為空 |
403 | IncorrectMinorVersion | Current engine minor version does not support operations. | 當前引擎小版本不支持此操作。 |
403 | OperationDenied.ZoneResource | There is no available zone for inventory. | 沒有可用的庫存區域。 |
403 | NotInFlowController | Sorry,no permission. | 非集團上云用戶不可用,無權限。 |
403 | InvalidKmsKey | Kms key is disabled. | Kms key已禁用。 |
403 | InvalidInstanceLevel.Malformed | Current DB instance level does not support this operation. | 當前數據庫實例級別不支持此操作。 |
404 | InvalidBackup.NotFound | The available backup does not exist in recovery time. | 沒有可用的備份集用于恢復數據。 |
404 | InvalidBinlog.NotFound | The available binlog does not exist in recovery time. | 指定恢復時間點的binlog無效。 |
404 | InvalidBackupSetID.NotFound | Specified backup set ID does not exist. | 備份集不存在。請查看已存在的備份集。 |
404 | InvalidDB.NotFound | Specified db does not exist or DB status does not support. | 指定的數據庫不存在或數據庫狀態不支持。 |
404 | InvalidRegion.NotFound | Specified Region does not exist in RDS. | 地域無效。 |
404 | InsufficientResourceCapacity | There is insufficient capacity available for the requested instance. | - |
404 | InvalidDBInstance.NotFound | Specified instance does not exist or not support. | 指定的實例不存在指定的實例被刪除或者實例不支持當前操作。 |
404 | InvalidClusterKms | The current instance does not authorized to access the Key Management Service. | 當前實例未授權訪問密鑰管理服務。 |
404 | Request.NotFound | The requested resource is not available. | 請求的資源不可用。 |
404 | HostInfo.NotFound | The specified host info is not found. | 指定的主機信息不存在。 |
500 | ResourceConfigError | The request processing has failed due to resource config error. | 由于資源配置錯誤,請求處理失敗。 |
500 | ExternalFailure | The request processing has failed due to external service failure. | 請求服務失敗,請稍后重試。 |
500 | RequestMetaDataFailed | The service request failed. Please try again later or contact service personnel. | 請求服務失敗,請稍后再試或聯系服務人員。 |
500 | InvokeProxyFailure | The request processing has failed due to service failure of rds api. | 由于rds api服務失敗,請求處理失敗。 |
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