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HTTP status code錯誤碼錯誤信息描述操作
400ApiUser.Not.ExistsThe specified user does not exist.用戶不存在。診斷
400User.Not.WorkspaceAdminOnly administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation.沒有權限,您不是該群空間的管理員。診斷
400UserInfo.ErrorThe personal information is invalid.個人信息不合法。診斷
400Application.Object.NotExistThe object you are operating does not exist or has been deleted.操作組件不存在或已被刪除。診斷
400Not.ApiCall.AuthUserYou are not an administrator or API call auth user of this organization.非組織管理員或API調用授權用戶。診斷
400System.Param.EmptyYou must specify the %s parameter.參數%s不能為空。診斷
400Invalid.Param.ErrorThe parameter is invalid.無效參數。診斷
400Invalid.Parameter.ErrorThe parameter is invalid:%s.無效參數%s。診斷
400Invalid.ParameterAn error occurred while verifying parameters.參數驗證失敗。診斷
400Invalid.User.AdminYou are not an administrator of this organization.沒有權限,您不是組織管理員。診斷
400Ram.AuthCheck.ErrorRAM auth check failed, and the current API can not be called.RAM權限校驗失敗,禁止調用當前API。診斷
400Invalid.OrganizationThe specified organizational unit does not exist.該組織不存在。診斷
400Access.ForbiddenYour instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation, only professional version supports calling.您的實例版本或者 AccessKey不允許調用該 API,僅專業版支持調用。診斷
400User.Not.In.OrganizationThe specified user is not in the organizational unit.該用戶不在組織中。診斷
400Instance.Not.ExistThe specified instance does not exist.暫未匹配到您的購買實例。診斷
400Instance.ExpiredYour instance has expired.您的購買實例已經過期。診斷