推薦使用EAS提供的官方SDK進行服務調用,從而有效減少編寫調用邏輯的時間并提高調用穩定性。本文介紹官方Python SDK接口詳情,并以常見類型的輸入輸出為例,提供了使用Python SDK進行服務調用的完整程序示例。
pip install -U eas-prediction --user
類 | 接口 | 描述 |
PredictClient |
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| 對PredictClient對象進行初始化。在上述設置參數的接口執行完成后,需要調用 | |
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StringRequest |
StringResponse |
TFRequest |
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TFResponse |
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TorchRequest |
| TorchRequest類的構造方法。 |
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TorchResponse |
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QueueClient |
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Watcher |
| 功能:關閉一個Watcher對象,用于關閉后端的數據連接。 說明 一個客戶端只能啟動一個Watcher對象,使用完成后需要將該對象關閉才能啟動新的Watcher對象。 |
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction import StringRequest if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com', 'scorecard_pmml_example') client.set_token('YWFlMDYyZDNmNTc3M2I3MzMwYmY0MmYwM2Y2MTYxMTY4NzBkNzdj****') client.init() request = StringRequest('[{"fea1": 1, "fea2": 2}]') for x in range(0, 1000000): resp = client.predict(request) print(resp)
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction import StringRequest from eas_prediction import TFRequest if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com', 'mnist_saved_model_example') client.set_token('YTg2ZjE0ZjM4ZmE3OTc0NzYxZDMyNmYzMTJjZTQ1YmU0N2FjMTAy****') client.init() #request = StringRequest('[{}]') req = TFRequest('predict_images') req.add_feed('images', [1, 784], TFRequest.DT_FLOAT, [1] * 784) for x in range(0, 1000000): resp = client.predict(req) print(resp)
即可,特別適合大流量高并發的服務,具體示例如下。#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction import StringRequest from eas_prediction import TFRequest from eas_prediction import ENDPOINT_TYPE_DIRECT if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://pai-eas-vpc.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com', 'mnist_saved_model_example') client.set_token('M2FhNjJlZDBmMzBmMzE4NjFiNzZhMmUxY2IxZjkyMDczNzAzYjFi****') client.set_endpoint_type(ENDPOINT_TYPE_DIRECT) client.init() request = TFRequest('predict_images') request.add_feed('images', [1, 784], TFRequest.DT_FLOAT, [1] * 784) for x in range(0, 1000000): resp = client.predict(request) print(resp)
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction import TorchRequest if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com', 'pytorch_gpu_wl') client.init() req = TorchRequest() req.add_feed(0, [1, 3, 224, 224], TorchRequest.DT_FLOAT, [1] * 150528) # req.add_fetch(0) import time st = time.time() timer = 0 for x in range(0, 10): resp = client.predict(req) timer += (time.time() - st) st = time.time() print(resp.get_tensor_shape(0)) # print(resp) print("average response time: %s s" % (timer / 10) )
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction import BladeRequest if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com', 'nlp_model_example') client.init() req = BladeRequest() req.add_feed('input_data', 1, [1, 360, 128], BladeRequest.DT_FLOAT, [0.8] * 85680) req.add_feed('input_length', 1, [1], BladeRequest.DT_INT32, [187]) req.add_feed('start_token', 1, [1], BladeRequest.DT_INT32, [104]) req.add_fetch('output', BladeRequest.DT_FLOAT) import time st = time.time() timer = 0 for x in range(0, 10): resp = client.predict(req) timer += (time.time() - st) st = time.time() # print(resp) # print(resp.get_values('output')) print(resp.get_tensor_shape('output')) print("average response time: %s s" % (timer / 10) )
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import PredictClient from eas_prediction.blade_tf_request import TFRequest # Need Importing blade TFRequest if __name__ == '__main__': client = PredictClient('http://182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com', 'nlp_model_example') client.init() req = TFRequest(signature_name='predict_words') req.add_feed('input_data', [1, 360, 128], TFRequest.DT_FLOAT, [0.8] * 85680) req.add_feed('input_length', [1], TFRequest.DT_INT32, [187]) req.add_feed('start_token', [1], TFRequest.DT_INT32, [104]) req.add_fetch('output') import time st = time.time() timer = 0 for x in range(0, 10): resp = client.predict(req) timer += (time.time() - st) st = time.time() # print(resp) # print(resp.get_values('output')) print(resp.get_tensor_shape('output')) print("average response time: %s s" % (timer / 10) )
#!/usr/bin/env python from eas_prediction import QueueClient import threading if __name__ == '__main__': endpoint = '182848887922****.cn-shanghai.pai-eas.aliyuncs.com' queue_name = 'test_group.qservice/sink' token = 'YmE3NDkyMzdiMzNmMGM3ZmE4ZmNjZDk0M2NiMDA3OTZmNzc1MTUx****' queue = QueueClient(endpoint, queue_name) queue.set_token(token) queue.init() queue.set_timeout(30000) # truncate all messages in the queue attributes = queue.attributes() if 'stream.lastEntry' in attributes: queue.truncate(int(attributes['stream.lastEntry']) + 1) count = 100 # create a thread to send messages to the queue def send_thread(): for i in range(count): index, request_id = queue.put('[{}]') print('send: ', i, index, request_id) # create a thread to watch messages from the queue def watch_thread(): watcher = queue.watch(0, 5, auto_commit=True) i = 0 for x in watcher.run(): print('recv: ', i, x.index, x.tags['requestId']) i += 1 if i == count: break watcher.close() thread1 = threading.Thread(target=watch_thread) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=send_thread) thread1.start() thread2.start() thread1.join() thread2.join()