503 | algorithmError | An algorithm error occurred. | 識別服務異常,請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
413 | exceededImageContent | The image content size exceeds the 10 MB limit. | 圖像內容大小超過 10M | 診斷 |
400 | illegalCutType | The specified cutType is invalid. | 不支持的 cutType 參數 | 診斷 |
400 | illegalImageContent | The corresponding image content is missing. | 缺少對應的圖像內容,導致切圖失敗 | 診斷 |
400 | illegalImageType | The specified imageType is invalid. | 不支持的 imageType 參數 | 診斷 |
400 | IllegalImageUrl | The image URL is unavailable or has timed out. | 圖片 URL 資源不可用或超時 | 診斷 |
400 | illegalSignature | The signature is incorrect. | 簽名錯誤 | 診斷 |
400 | illegalSubject | The specified Subject is invalid. | 不支持的 subject(科目) 參數 | 診斷 |
400 | invalidStsToken | The STS token is invalid. | STS token 錯誤 | 診斷 |
400 | MissingImageUrl | You must specify image URL. | 圖片URL為空 | 診斷 |
401 | noPermission | You are not authorized to perform this operation. | 子賬號或角色未授權 | 診斷 |
400 | notSafeImageUrl | The image URL is not safe. | 圖片 URL 不安全 | 診斷 |
401 | ocrServiceNotOpen | You have not activated the OCR service. | OCR服務未開通 | 診斷 |
400 | unmatchedImageType | The image type does not match the API operation. | 圖像類型與API接口不匹配 | 診斷 |
400 | unsupportedEncodeImageUrl | The image URL encoding cannot be parsed. | 圖片 URL 編碼無法解析 | 診斷 |
415 | unsupportedImageFormat | The image format or content is not supported. | 圖像內容錯誤或格式不支持 | 診斷 |
400 | unsupportedLanguage | The language is not supported. | 不支持的 language 參數 | 診斷 |
401 | OcrServiceExpired | The OCR service has expired. | OCR服務已經欠費過期 | 診斷 |
400 | MissingLanguages | You must specify Language. | 缺少 language 參數 | 診斷 |
503 | AlgorithmTimeout | The requested algorithm service is unavailable. Please try again with a smaller image. | 算法服務不可用,請嘗試內容較少的圖像。 | 診斷 |
416 | illegalImageSize | The image size must not be less than 5px or greater than 8192px. | 圖像尺寸不合法 | 診斷 |
400 | ExceededImageSize | The image length*width must be less than 1024*1024. | 圖像尺寸的長度*寬度必須小于等于1024*1024。 | 診斷 |
400 | PaperCutEmptyImage | The image is empty. No paper is found in the image. | 在用于切題的圖像中沒有找到任何試卷,請檢查圖像。 | 診斷 |
400 | ExceededFaceBackCount | The number of the front and back sides of the image exceeds the limit. | 圖片正反面數量超過了限制 | 診斷 |
400 | exceededImageUrlLength | The image URL length exceeds 2048 characters. | 圖片 URL 長度超過2048 | 診斷 |
504 | ServiceTimeout | The requested service is timed out. | 后端服務超時 | 診斷 |
400 | imageUrlOrBodyEmpty | The image URL or body is empty. | 圖片URL或BODY為空 | 診斷 |
400 | illegalApiName | The input param api name is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | imageTimeOut | Get image data time out. | 獲取圖片超時 | 診斷 |
429 | Throttling.User | Request was denied due to user flow control | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSignatureVerssion | Specified parameter SignatureVersion is not valid | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingAccessKeyId | AccessKeyId is mandatory for this action | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidVersion | Specified parameter version is not valid | - | 診斷 |
400 | SignatureNonceUsed | Specified signature nonce was used already | - | 診斷 |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server | - | 診斷 |
400 | SignatureDoesNotMatch | Specified signature is not matched with our calculation | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingImageType | ImageType is mandatory for this action | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingSignature | Signature is mandatory for this action | - | 診斷 |
400 | deprecatedApi | The api is deprecated. | 此API已經廢棄,請使用新版本的API | 診斷 |
400 | convertPDFToImgError | Failed to convert PDF file to image. | pdf轉圖片失敗 | 診斷 |
413 | exceededPDFContent | Size of PDF content has exceeded the 10M limit. | PDF大小超過10M | 診斷 |
400 | illegalPDFContent | Corresponding pdf content is missing | PDF內容缺失或不是有效的PDF文件 | 診斷 |
413 | exceededOFDContent | Size of OFD content has exceeded the 10M limit. | - | 診斷 |
400 | unsupportedOutputFormat | Output format is not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidCountry | Specified parameter Country is not valid. | 不支持的國家。 | 診斷 |