
錯誤碼描述 Code message httpStatusCode
子賬號調用API未經授權 Forbidden.RAM User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn’t support RAM. 403
該操作不支持RAM模式訪問 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. 403
服務器端異常錯誤 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. 503
輸入的實例狀態不存在 InvalidStatus.NotFound The Status provided does not exist in our records. 404
輸入的參數不合法 InvalidParameter The specified parameter "InstanceName" is not valid. 400
普通用戶調用管理類API Forbidden.NotAdminUser User not authorized to operate on the specified API as you are not the administrator. 403
缺少參數 MissingParameter Specified parameter is missing. 400
至少需要包含InstanceNameNewPassword參數兩者之一 MissingParameter InstanceName/NewPassword at least one is mandatory for this action. 400
調用該接口沒有指定OwnerId MissingParameter The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. 403
指定的參數Token不合法 InvalidToken.Malformed The Specified parameter \”Token\” is not valid. 400
指定的參數InstanceName不合法 InvalidInstanceName.Malformed The Specified parameter \”InstanceName\” is not valid. 400
指定的參數Password不合法 InvalidPassword.Malformed The Specified parameter \”Password\” is not valid.” 400
指定的參數Instances不合法 InvalidInstances.Malformed The Specified parameter \”Instances\” is not valid. 400
指定的參數StartTime不合法 InvalidStartTime.Malformed The Specified parameter \”StartTime\” is not valid. 400
指定的參數EndTime不合法 InvalidEndTime.Malformed The Specified parameter \”EndTime\” is not valid. 400
指定的參數InstanceIds不合法 InvalidInstanceIds.Malformed The Specified parameter \”InstanceIds\” is not valid. 400
余額不足 InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance. 400
用戶未進行實名認證 RealNameAuthenticationError Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. 403
購買數量超出限制 QuotaExceed Living afterpay instances quota exceeded. 400
容量配置不合法 InvalidCapacity.NotFound The Capacity provided does not exist in our records. 400
用了一個已經使用過的ClientToken,但此次請求內容卻又與上一次使用該Tokenrequest不一樣。 IdempotentParameterMismatch Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. 400
指定的可用區庫存不足 QuotaNotEnough Quota not enough in this zone. 400
無權調用訂單類接口 Forbidden.SubUser The specified action is not available for you. 403
阿里云風控系統拒絕了此次訪問 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. 403
指定的Region不存在 InvalidRegion.NotFound The RegionId or ZoneId provided does not exist in our records. 404
指定的ZoneId不合法 InvalidZoneId.NotFound The ZoneId provided is invalid. 400
實例ID不存在 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The InstanceId provided does not exist in our records. 404
密碼不正確 IncorrectPassword The Password provided is not correct. 400
服務不可用 ServiceNotSupported The specified service is not supported. 400
有未生效的續費變配訂單 HasRenewChangeOrder This instance has a renewChange order. 400
內部錯誤 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. 500
備份時間無效 InvalidPreferredBackupTime Specified preferred backup time is not valid. 400
輸入備份類型不合法 InvalidBackupType.Format Specified backup type is not valid. 400
輸入的備份方法不合法 InvalidBackupMethod.Format Specified backup method is not valid. 400
備份任務已經存在 BackupJobExists A backup job already exists in the specified DB instance. 400
備份次數已經超出限制 BackupTimesExceeded Exceeding the daily backup times of this DB instance. 400
必須輸入一個參數 ParameterLeastAssociate Must input at least one optional parameter. 400
輸入的備份周期不合法 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod.Malformed Specified backup retention period is not valid. 400
輸入的下次備份時間不合法 InvalidPreferredBackupTime.Format Specified preferred backup time is not valid. 400
輸入的備份周期不合法 InvalidPreferredBackupPeriod.Malformed Specified backup period is not valid. 400
當前的實例類型不支持次操作 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB instance type does not support this operation. 400
輸入的key不合法 InvalidKey.Malformed Specified key is not valid. 400
簽名已經被使用 SignatureNonceUsed Specified signature nonce was used already. 400
已經無法分配虛擬IP AllocateVpcIp.NotEnough Ip resource is not enough. 400
該可用區不支持創建次類型實例 Zone.NotSupport Specified zone does not support creating with instance class. 400
規格代碼不合法 MissingClassCode Capacity or InstanceClass is mandatory for this action. 400
實例規格不支持 InvalidDBInstanceClass.NotFound Specified DB instance class is not found. 404
實例已經被鎖定 IncorrectDBInstanceLockMode Current DB instance lock mode does not support this operation. 400
備份集ID不存在 InvalidBackupSetID.NotFound Specified backup set ID does not exist. 400
實例狀態不支持此操作 IncorrectDBInstanceState Current DB instance state does not support this operation. 400
資源不足 InsufficientResourceCapacity There is insufficient capacity available for the requested instance. 400
輸入的結束時間無效 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid. 400
輸入的保留經典IP的時間長度不合法 InvalidClassicExpiredDays.Format The specified classicExpiredDays format is not valid. 400
備份集狀態不支持此操作 IncorrectBackupSetState Current backup set state does not support operations. 400
白名單格式不合法 InvalidSecurityIPList.Format Specified security IP list format is not valid. 400