503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | - | 診斷 |
401 | Forbidden | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | 接口權限不足,請您聯系管理員,配置訪問權限。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIdentity.ServiceDisabled | The request identity was not allowed operated. | InvalidParameter參數錯誤,請您確認該InvalidParameter參數是否正確。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not exist in our records. | 當前賬戶下未查到域名,請您確認該域名是否正確。 | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOperation | Illegal domain operate is not permitted. | 接口權限不足,請您聯系管理員,配置訪問權限。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidRegion | The current region does not support this operation. | 當前區域不支持該操作。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidRegionField.Mismatch | The operation does not support. | - | 診斷 |
400 | ConfigAlreadyExists | Config has already exist. | 配置已添加。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | Specified StartTime is malformed. | StartTime參數錯誤,請您確認該StartTime參數是否正確。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | Specified EndTime is malformed. | 結束時間錯誤,請您確認結束時間是否正確。 | 診斷 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is invalid. | 參數錯誤,請依據API文檔,核對需要輸入的參數 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartEndTimeParameter | The specified time span is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDomainParameter | The specified domain parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIntervalParameter | The specified interval parameter is invalid. | 指定的interval參數無效。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidUserParameter | The specified user parameter is invalid. | 指定的用戶無效。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStationParameter | The specified station parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIspParameter | The specified isp parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLocationParameter | The specified locName parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidFieldsParameter | The specified field parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTimeParameter | The specified start time parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTimeParameter | The specified end time parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDomainAndUserParameter | The specified domain and user is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidProductParameter | The specified product parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidAreaParameter | The specified area parameter is invalid. | Area參數不正確,需要傳入正確的大區簡寫。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSchemeParameter | The specified scheme parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLimitParameter | The specified pagesize parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidOffsetParameter | The specified pageIndex parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidTimePointParameter | The specified timePoint parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSourceParameter | The specified source is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSortByParameter | The specified ordering is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidNodeGroupProductParameter | The specified ngProduct parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidNodeGroupParameter | The specified nodegroup parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidPicTypeParameter | The specified picType parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSplitByParameter | The specified splitType parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidRtcChannelParameter | The specified channelID parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidRtcAppIdParameter | The specified appId parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | DomainNumberTooLarge | The domain number is too large. | 傳入域名數量過多 | 診斷 |
401 | UnAuthorized | The request is not authorized. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaExceeded | The quota is exceeded. | - | 診斷 |
403 | StatusForbidden | The request is forbidden. | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingParameter | Parameter is missing. | - | 診斷 |
400 | IllegalOperationDomain | You are not authorized to operate the domain. | - | 診斷 |
403 | SystemUpgrading | The system is being upgraded, please try again later! | - | 診斷 |
400 | DomainAlreadyExist | The specified domain already exists. | 該域名已經存在 | 診斷 |
400 | InvaildParameter | The specified parameter DomainName format is error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSources.Malformed | Specified Sources is malformed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | RegionNoResource | The region you selected has no resource. | - | 診斷 |
403 | ServiceBusy | The specified Domain is configuring, please retry later | - | 診斷 |
400 | PrivateKeyError | HTTPS_DOMAIN_SSL_KEY_ERROR. | - | 診斷 |
403 | DomainInProtectedMode | This domain is in the protected mode. if you want to do this operation, please contact us! | - | 診斷 |
500 | InvalidDomain.Configure_failed | Failed to configure the provided domain. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidArgValue.Malformed | Specified ArgValue is malformed. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvaildParameter | The parameter you provided is invalid! | - | 診斷 |
404 | ConfigNotFound | Config not found | - | 診斷 |
400 | ConfigDuplicate | Config duplicate | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidData.NotFound | The data is not found | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | | 您輸入的參數無效,請檢查輸入的參數是否完整正確 | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | You do not have access to this operation. | - | 診斷 |
400 | OperationDenied | illegal auth status. | - | 診斷 |
400 | BusinessExist | Business exist, do not repeated submission | 請勿重復提交請求 | 診斷 |
400 | InvaildParameter | Source name can not equal to domain name | - | 診斷 |
400 | DomainOverLimit | The Number of Domain is over the limit | 域名數量超過上限 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSources.OverLimit | source ip num over limit | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not belong to you. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.Offline | The domain provided is offline. | - | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOperationDomain | You do not have permission to operate the domain. | - | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOriginSiteIp | Illegal origin site ip address is not permitted. | - | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalSources | Illegal sources is not permitted. | - | 診斷 |
403 | LiveServiceNotFound | Your account does not open Live service yet. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Refresh | exceed the prescribed limits | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvaildParameter | The specified parameter IP format is error. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidCertificate | The Certificate you provided is malformed! | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidCdnType.Malformed | Operation not supported this cdn type. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLocationNameEn.Malformed | The specified LocationNameEn is not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIspNameEn.Malformed | The specified IspNameEn is not supported. | - | 診斷 |
400 | CheckIcpFailed | Check icp info failed, please try again later. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QpsOverLimit | Qps is over limit for this domainName. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | Your account is not allowed to invoke this API. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | Your uid and bid are not matched. | - | 診斷 |
400 | UnsupportedParameter | The parameters "OwnerId" or "OwnerAccount" is unsupported. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAliUid.Malformed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppid.LimitExceed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidRoomId.LimitExceed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppUid.Malformed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppid.ValuenotSupported | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppid.Mismatch | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidRoomId.ValueNotSupported | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppid.Malformed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidRoomId.Malformed | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidAppId.NotFound | %s | - | 診斷 |
403 | InvalidAppId.AccessForbidden | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingParameter.requestId | Missing parameter Pop RequestId | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PageSizeNotNumber | Error PageSize not number | - | 診斷 |
400 | Invalid.DuplicateSubscriberName | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidRoomStatus.ForbidPushStream | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter.EndTS.Malformed | Error EndTS with incorrect format | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter.MagicFormat | Error request parameter with magic value | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter.AppId.TooLong | Error AppId length was too long | - | 診斷 |
400 | MissingParameter.AppId | Missing parameter AppId | - | 診斷 |
400 | Invalid.SubscriberNot Found | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | Invalid.AliUserStreamNotMatch | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidLinkMic.UserKickouted | %s | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidLinkMic.RtcServiceNotOpen | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | DomainNotRegistration | The domain name you added is not registered, cannot use the Chinese mainland live center of ApsaraVideo Live or acceleration regions. | 您添加的域名未備案,無法使用中國大陸的直播中心或加速區域。 | 診斷 |
400 | DomainReserved | The root domain of your domain is reserved by another account. | 此域名的根域名已添加到其他賬號。 | 診斷 |
403 | LiveServiceSuspended | Your LIVE service is suspended, Please check whether the account is in arrears. | 直播服務已暫停,請檢查賬戶是否已欠費 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The parameter you provided is invalid, Please check whether the input parameters are complete and correct. | 您輸入的參數無效,請檢查輸入的參數是否完整正確 | 診斷 |