<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
"RequestId": "4C467B38-3910-447D-87BC-AC049166F216"
<Message>The input parameter "Timestamp" that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.</Message>
"HttpStatus": 400,
"Code": "IllegalTimestamp",
"Message": "The input parameter \"Timestamp\" that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.",
"RequestId": "e85db688-a2d3-44ca-9790-4259f59e90d8"
錯誤代碼 | 描述 | HTTP狀態碼 |
InternalFailure | Internal Failure. | 500 |
ServiceUnavailableTemporary | Service Unavailable Temporary. | 503 |
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | The AccessKey ID provided does not exist in our records. | 404 |
Forbidden.KeyNotFound | The specified Key is not found. | 404 |
Forbidden.KeyVersionNotFound | The specified Key version is not found. | 404 |
Forbidden.AliasNotFound | The specified Alias is not found. | 404 |
Forbidden.NoPermission | This operation is forbidden by permission system. 說明 除了沒有RAM訪問權限時出現該報錯外,STS Token過期場景也可能會出現該報錯。 | 403 |
Forbidden.AccessKey | This AccessKey is not enabled. | 403 |
UnsupportedHTTPMethod | This http method is not supported. | 403 |
Forbidden.UbsmsInvalidUserid | Userid Invalid For Ubsms. | 403 |
Forbidden.UbsmsInvalidBid | Your account partner does not have KMS Service. | 403 |
Forbidden.KmsServiceNotEnabled | Kms service is not Enabled for current user. Please get access permission first. | 403 |
Forbidden.ProhibitedByRiskControl | Current user is Prohibited By Risk Control. | 403 |
Forbidden.InDebtOverdue | Current user is indebted Overdue. | 403 |
Forbidden.InDebt | Current user is indebted. | 403 |
ParseRequestParameterException | Server parse parameters exception. Please check your input params. | 400 |
MissingParameter | The parameter "< parameter name >" is needed but not provided. | 400 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter "< parameter name >" is not valid. | 400 |
IncompleteSignature | The request signature does not conform to Alibaba Cloud standards. | 400 |
IllegalTimestamp | The input parameter "Timestamp" that is required for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 |
Rejected.LimitExceeded | The request was rejected because user create resource limit was exceeded. | 400 |
AliasAlreadyExists | AliasName Already Exists. | 400 |
InvalidKeyMaterial | key material is invalid. | 400 |
InvalidImportToken | import token is invalid. | 400 |
ExpiredImportToken | import token is expired. | 400 |
Unsupported.Origin | This key origin is not valid for this api. | 400 |
Unsupported.Alias | Alias is not valid for this api. | 400 |
Unsupported.ProtectionLevel | This protection level is not valid for this region | 400 |
Rejected.StateModifiedFailed | Keystate modified failed. | 409 |
Rejected.Disabled | The request was rejected because the key state is Disabled. | 409 |
Rejected.PendingDeletion | The request was rejected because the key state is PendingDeletion. | 409 |
Rejected.PendingImport | The request was rejected because the key state is PendingImport. | 409 |