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GET /openapi/diagnosis/instances/{InstanceId}/reports HTTP/1.1
名稱 |
類型 |
位置 |
是否必選 |
示例值 |
描述 |
InstanceId | String | Path | 是 | es-cn-n6w1qu7ei000p**** | 實例ID。 |
lang | String | Query | 否 | es | 獲取的報告的語言。默認為瀏覽器語言,支持:
startTime | Long | Query | 是 | 1594569600000 | 查詢開始時間戳。單位:毫秒。
endTime | Long | Query | 是 | 1595174399999 | 查詢結束時間戳。單位:毫秒。
page | Integer | Query | 否 | 1 | 分頁數。默認值:1,最小值:1,最大值:200。 |
size | Integer | Query | 否 | 20 | 每頁報告數。默認值:10,最小值:1,最大值:500。 |
detail | Boolean | Query | 否 | true | 是否展示診斷項詳情。 |
trigger | String | Query | 否 | SYSTEM | 健康診斷的觸發方式,支持:
名稱 |
類型 |
示例值 |
描述 |
RequestId | String | 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1**** | 請求ID。 |
Headers | Object | 返回頭信息。 |
X-Total-Count | Integer | 15 | 返回的總記錄數。 |
Result | Array of Result | 返回結果。 |
trigger | String | USER | 健康診斷的觸發方式。支持:
createTime | Long | 1535745731000 | 報告創建的時間戳。 |
reportId | String | trigger__2020-08-17T17:09:02f | 報告ID。 |
state | String | SUCCESS | 診斷狀態。支持:SUCCESS、FAILED和RUNNING。 |
instanceId | String | es-cn-abc | 診斷的實例ID。 |
health | String | YELLOW | 報告中集群整體的健康度。支持:GREEN、YELLOW、RED和UNKNOWN。 |
diagnoseItems | Array of diagnoseItems | 報告診斷項信息列表。 |
item | String | IndexAliasUseDiagnostic | 診斷項名稱。 |
health | String | YELLOW | 診斷項的健康度。支持:GREEN、YELLOW、RED和UNKNOWN。 |
detail | Object | 診斷項詳情。 |
type | String | ES_API | 診斷結果類型。支持:
name | String | Number of Replica Shards | 診斷項全稱。 |
desc | String | Check whether the number of replica shards is optimal and easy to maintain | 診斷項說明。 |
result | String | You may need to adjust the numbers of replica shards of some indices as follows: [geoname08 : 0 -> 1][geoname09 : 0 -> 1][geonametest01 : 0 -> 1] | 診斷結果。 |
suggest | String | You can call the following function in the Elasticsearch API.... | 診斷建議。 |
GET /openapi/diagnosis/instances/es-cn-n6w1qu7ei000p****/reports?lang=es&startTime=1594569600000&endTime=1595174399999&page=1&size=20&detail=true&trigger=SYSTEM HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Result" : [ {
"reportId" : "scheduled__2020-09-15T02:40:00",
"instanceId" : "es-cn-09k1rocex0006****",
"state" : "SUCCESS",
"trigger" : "SYSTEM",
"health" : "YELLOW",
"createTime" : 1600108800000,
"diagnoseItems" : [ {
"item" : "IndexReplicaDiagnostic",
"health" : "YELLOW",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Number of Replica Shards",
"desc" : "Check whether the number of replica shards is optimal and easy to maintain.\nReplica shards can increase the index data reliability and improve the QPS if the resources are sufficient. However, too many replica shards may consume large amounts of disk space and memory. This reduces the performance of write operations.",
"type" : "CONSOLE_API",
"suggest" : "You can call the following function in the Elasticsearch API: \nPUT ${index}/_settings\n{\n \"settings\": {\n \"index.number_of_replicas\": \"${num}\"\n }\n} \r\nSet the index and num parameters to the actual values.",
"result" : "You may need to adjust the numbers of replica shards of some indices as follows: \n[geoname08 : 0 -> 1][geoname09 : 0 -> 1][geonametest01 : 0 -> 1]"
}, {
"item" : "IndexShardsDiagnostic",
"health" : "YELLOW",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Number and Sizes of Shards in Each Index",
"desc" : "Check whether the number and sizes of shards in each index are optimal.\nA small number of shards may degrade the read and write performance of an index. A large number of shards consume a lot of system resources and degrade the read and write performance of an index.",
"type" : "ES_API",
"suggest" : "We recommend the following solution: \nhotmovies [size < 1 GB] [7 -> 1, 3]\ngeoname08 [2 GB] [5 -> 1, 3]\ngeoname09 [3 GB] [5 -> 1, 3]\ngeonametest01 [2 GB] [5 -> 1, 3]\n \r\nThis solution applies to the current index sizes. Adjust the number of shards based on the future indices and nodes.",
"result" : "You may need to adjust the number of shards in some indices."
}, {
"item" : "NodeLeftDiagnostic",
"health" : "GREEN",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Missing Nodes",
"desc" : "Check whether any node has not joined the cluster.\nMissing nodes may cause serious problems and requires immediate attention.",
"type" : "TEXT",
"result" : "All nodes have joined the cluster."
}, {
"item" : "FullGcLogDiagnostic",
"health" : "GREEN",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Full GC Activities",
"desc" : "Check whether the full GC activities of the cluster are normal.",
"type" : "TEXT",
"result" : "The full GC activities of the cluster are normal."
}, {
"item" : "ClusterMinMasterDiagnostic",
"health" : "GREEN",
"detail" : {
"name" : "minimum_master_nodes Configuration",
"desc" : "Check whether the discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes configuration of the cluster is optimal.\nAn improper zen.min.master configuration may cause cluster instability and even cluster split-brain in the case of a high cluster load. Cluster split-brain may cause problems such as missing nodes, cluster jitter, and data exception, which require immediate attention.",
"type" : "TEXT",
"result" : "The minMaster configuration is optimal. candidateMasterCount is set to 3, and discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes is set to 2."
}, {
"item" : "ClusterStateVersionDiagnostic",
"health" : "GREEN",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Frequent Changes in Cluster Status",
"desc" : "Check whether the cluster status changes frequently.\nFrequent changes in the cluster status can greatly increase the load of the master node, causing frequent GC activities, and may even degrade the cluster performance by blocking the reading and writing of index data.",
"type" : "TEXT",
"result" : "The cluster status changes at an optimal frequency."
}, {
"item" : "ErrorLogDiagnostic",
"health" : "GREEN",
"detail" : {
"name" : "Exceptions Log",
"desc" : "Check for exceptions logs.",
"type" : "TEXT",
"result" : "No exceptions log has been detected."
} ]
} ],
"RequestId" : "40962041-2864-4877-81C7-9657FDA3****",
"Headers" : {
"X-Total-Count" : 1