400 | MissingParameter | Parameter is missing. | 缺少必填參數。 | 診斷 |
400 | IllegalOperationDomain | You are not authorized to operate the domain. | 您沒有權限操作該域名。 | 診斷 |
403 | SystemUpgrading | The system is being upgraded, please try again later! | 系統正在升級中,請您稍后再試。 | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOperation | Illegal domain operate is not permitted. | 域名不支持當前操作 | 診斷 |
403 | CdnServiceNotFound | Your account does not open CDN service yet. | 您的賬戶未開通CDN服務,請開通后重試。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not exist in our records. | 域名不存在或不屬于當前用戶。請檢查您填寫的域名書寫是否正確,或者域名是否在當前賬號中,查看域名是否過期。 | 診斷 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to backend service exception. | 內部錯誤,請重試,如果多次重試報錯請提交工單。 | 診斷 |
400 | DomainAlreadyExist | This domain name is exist already | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSources.Malformed | Specified Sources is malformed. | 源站地址格式錯誤。 | 診斷 |
404 | IllegalOperationTopDomain | The domain is topDomain. | - | 診斷 |
400 | RegionNoResource | The region you selected has no resource. | - | 診斷 |
403 | ServiceBusy | The specified Domain is configuring, please retry later | 該域名正在配置中,請您稍后再試。 | 診斷 |
400 | PrivateKeyError | HTTPS_DOMAIN_SSL_KEY_ERROR. | 證書內容異常。 | 診斷 |
400 | DomainNameOverLimit | A maximum of 50 domains are supported for each request. | 每次請求最多支持50個域名。 | 診斷 |
403 | DomainInProtectedMode | This domain is in the protected mode. if you want to do this operation, please contact us! | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDomain.Configure_failed | Failed to configure the provided domain. | 域名配置失敗。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidArgValue.Malformed | Specified ArgValue is malformed. | - | 診斷 |
404 | ConfigNotFound | Config not found | 您輸入的configid不存在,或輸入的域名和configid不匹配,請檢查更新后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | FunctionMutex | Function is mutex with other function. | 該功能與其他功能沖突。 | 診斷 |
400 | ConfigDuplicate | Config duplicate | 配置重復。 | 診斷 |
400 | ConfigIsGraying | The domain configuration is under canary testing. You cannot modify the configuration in production environment. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is not valid. | - | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | You do not have access to this operation. | 沒有權限操作,請您通過訪問控制 RAM 檢查使用權限。 | 診斷 |
400 | OperationDenied | illegal auth status. | 非法auth狀態。 | 診斷 |
400 | DomainNotRegistration | The Domain name is not registered | 域名尚未備案。 | 診斷 |
400 | BusinessExist | Business exist, do not repeated submission | 業務已存在,請勿重復提交。 | 診斷 |
400 | DomainOverLimit | The Number of Domain is over the limit | 域名已達上限。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSources.OverLimit | source ip num over limit | 回源IP個數超過限制。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain [%s] does not belong to you. | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.Offline | The domain provided is offline. | 域名已下線。 | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOperationDomain | You do not have permission to operate the domain. | 您沒有權限操作該域名。 | 診斷 |
403 | IllegalOriginSiteIp | Illegal origin site ip address is not permitted. | - | 診斷 |
400 | IllegalSources | The specified origin site information is invalid. | 指定的源站信息無效。 | 診斷 |
403 | CdnServiceSuspended | Your CDN service is suspended. | 您的CDN服務已欠費停止。 | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Refresh | exceed the prescribed limits | 超出當日刷新限制。今日刷新數已用完。您可以通過刷新接口查詢今日的刷新次數。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidCertificate | The Certificate you provided is malformed | 證書格式不正確。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidCdnType.Malformed | Operation not supported this cdn type. | 參數CdnType不支持該參數值, 取值:web:圖片及小文件分發;download:大文件下載加速;video:視音頻點播加速;liveStream:直播流媒體加速。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLocationNameEn.Malformed | The specified LocationNameEn is not supported. | 不支持LocationNameEn。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIspNameEn.Malformed | The specified IspNameEn is not supported. | 填寫的運營商英文名稱錯誤,請通過DescribeCdnRegionAndIsp接口獲得運營商英文名后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | CheckIcpFailed | Check icp info failed, please try again later. | 檢查ICP信息失敗,請稍后再試。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidObjectPath.Malformed | The specified ObjectPath is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | QuotaPerMinuteExceeded.Refresh | You have exceeded the prescribed refresh limits per minute. | - | 診斷 |
403 | CdncomputeServiceNotFound | Your account does not open Cdncompute service yet. | - | 診斷 |
403 | ServiceRisked | Your CDN service is risked. | - | 診斷 |
403 | Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM. | - | 診斷 |
403 | PaymentMethodNotFound | No payment method has been registered on the account. | 未找到有效的支付方式, 請<a target="_blank">點擊添加</a> | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | Your account is not allowed to invoke this API. | 您的賬號無權使用該API。 | 診斷 |
403 | OperationDenied | Your uid and bid are not matched. | 您的uid和bid不匹配。 | 診斷 |
400 | UnsupportedParameter | The parameters "OwnerId" or "OwnerAccount" is unsupported. | - | 診斷 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 內部錯誤,請重試,如果多次重試報錯請提交工單。 | 診斷 |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | - | 診斷 |
400 | RetErrorSourceCircle | Error configuring the source. CDN already contains the domain. Please change the source. | 源站地址配置錯誤。CDN已經把這個域名添加為加速域名,不能使用加速域名作為源站地址,請更換一個源站地址。 | 診斷 |
429 | TooManyRequests | The server is busy. Please try again later. | 服務器正忙,請稍后再試。 | 診斷 |
400 | FlowControlError | The request was denied due to flow control. | 由于流控,請求被拒絕。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain does not exist, or it does not belong to you. | - | 診斷 |
400 | DataUpdating | Data is updating,please wait. | 數據正在更新,請稍等。 | 診斷 |
400 | ConfigGroupNotExist | The specified of ConfigGroup does not exist. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIntervalParameter | The specified Interval is invalid. | 指定的時間粒度無效。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidUserParameter | The specified User is invalid. | 用戶參數錯誤。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStationParameter | The specified station parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidIspParameter | The specified Isp is invalid. | 指定的Isp無效。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLocName | The specified LocName is not supported. | 指定的LocName不支持。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTimeParameter | The specified start time is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTimeParameter | The specified end time is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidProductParameter | The specified product parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidAreaParameter | The specified area parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSchemeParameter | The specified Scheme parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidLimitParameter | The specified Limit is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidOffsetParameter | The specified Page is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidTimePointParameter | The specified timePoint parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSourceParameter | The specified source is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidSortByParameter | The specified ordering is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidNodeGroupProductParameter | The specified ngProduct parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidNodeGroupParameter | The specified nodegroup parameter is invalid. | - | 診斷 |
401 | GetTokenFailed | Failed to obtain a token. | - | 診斷 |
403 | QuotaExceeded | The quota is exceeded. | quota超過限制。 | 診斷 |
403 | ResourceOverload | Resources are overloaded. Please try again later. | 資源負載過高, 請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | The specified StartTime is invalid. | 起始時間格式錯誤。請核對后重新提供。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | The specified EndTime is invalid. | 結束時間格式錯誤。日期格式請參考所調用API的幫助文檔說明。 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidApiOrVersion.NotFound | %s | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidNameSpace.Malformed | namespace is invalid | - | 診斷 |
406 | InvalidNameSpace.Duplicate | namespace is duplicate | - | 診斷 |
406 | InvalidNameSpace.QuotaFull | the namespaces count out of quota | - | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidKey.NotFound | key not exists | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidKey.Malformed | key is invalid | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidKey.ExceedsMaximum | key is too long max length is 512 B | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidValue.ExceedsMaximum | value is too big max size is 2000000B | - | 診斷 |
406 | InvalidKey.QuotaFull | the namespaces key count out of quota | - | 診斷 |
403 | InvalidKey.ExceedsCapacity | the namespaces capacity out of quota | - | 診斷 |
429 | TooQuickRequests | key put/delete too quickly, please try again | - | 診斷 |
403 | Unauthorized.InvalidParameters | authenticate parameters error | - | 診斷 |
403 | Unauthorized.InvalidTime | request time is invalid | - | 診斷 |
403 | Unauthorized.InvalidToken | authenticate token error | - | 診斷 |
403 | Unauthorized.InvalidResource | resource is not allowed | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidData.NotFound | The data is not found | 找不到該數據。 | 診斷 |
400 | FunctionArgDuplicate | Function args are duplicated | - | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidConfigId | The specified configId is invalid. | 功能的configId非法,不存在或不屬于當前實例 | 診斷 |
400 | Function.ExceedLimit | The maximum number of configurations of the feature is exceeded. | 該功能下的配置數量超過了限制數量 | 診斷 |
400 | Function.DependedByOthers | The specified config is depended by others. | 指定的配置被其他配置所依賴。 | 診斷 |
400 | Function.ArgDuplicate | Duplicate feature parameters. | 功能參數存在沖突 | 診斷 |
400 | Function.Unsupported | The specified feature is not supported. | 不支持的功能 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is invalid. | 參數錯誤 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Malformed | The specified DomainName is invalid. | 域名格式錯誤。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter IP format is invalid. | IP格式非法,請重新輸入。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameterSource | The source name cannot be the same as the domain name. | 源站不能和域名相同。 | 診斷 |
400 | InternalException | Internal occasional exception, please try again later. | 內部偶發異常,請稍后重試。 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidParameterField | The specified Field is invalid. | Field參數錯誤,請確認后輸入 | 診斷 |