如果成功調用云消息隊列 MQTT 版的OpenAPI,則會返回給客戶端ResponseCode=200;如果調用失敗,會返回對應的異常錯誤碼以及描述信息。您可以根據以下異常信息對照表查找對應的解決方法。
HttpCode | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
404 | ApiNotSupport | The specified API is not supported. | 當前接口不支持,請檢查。 |
400 | ApplyTokenOverFlow | You have applied for tokens too many times. Please try again later. | 申請Token頻率過高,系統限流,請重試。 |
400 | CheckAccountInfoFailed | An error occurred while checking the account information by the STS token. | 解析STS Token賬號信息失敗。 |
400 | InstancePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance. Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings. | 實例權限校驗失敗,請確認云消息隊列 MQTT 版實例的所屬關系以及授權策略。 |
500 | InternalError | An error occurred while processing your request. Try again later. | 云消息隊列 MQTT 版后端服務異常,請重試。 |
400 | ParameterCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the parameters. The parameters may be missing or invalid. | 參數校驗失敗,可能缺失或者傳入值非法。 |
400 | PermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
500 | SystemOverFlow | An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again. | 系統限流,請重試。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.%s | An error occurred while validating the parameter. The parameter may be missing or invalid. | 參數校驗失敗,可能缺失或者傳入值非法。 |
Group ID相關錯誤碼
HttpCode | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
500 | CreateGroupIdError | Failed to create GroupId. Try again later. | 創建Group ID請求執行失敗,請稍后重試。 |
400 | GroupIdAlreadyExsited | The specified GroupId already exists. | 當前Group ID已經存在。 |
400 | GroupIdAlreadyUsedByOtherUsers | The current GroupId is used by another user. Please change to a different GroupId. | 當前Group ID已經被其他用戶占用,請更換其他名稱。 |
500 | InternalError | An error occurred while processing your request. Try again later. | 云消息隊列 MQTT 版后端服務異常,請重試。 |
400 | ParameterFieldCheckFailed | Failed to validate the parameters. The parameters may be missing or invalid. | 參數校驗失敗,可能缺失或者傳入值非法。 |
400 | InstancePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance. Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings. | 實例權限校驗失敗,請確認云消息隊列 MQTT 版實例的所屬關系以及授權策略。 |
400 | InstanceNotFound | Failed to find the instance. The instanceId may be invalid. | 實例不存在,請檢查實例是否創建或實例ID是否填寫正確。 |
400 | PermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
HttpCode | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
400 | ParameterFieldCheckFailed | Failed to validate the parameters. The parameters may be missing or invalid. | 參數校驗失敗,可能缺失或者傳入值非法。 |
400 | MqttTopicNumExceeded | The maximum number of topics is exceeded. | 當前實例Topic數量超過系統限制。 |
400 | MqttTopicExist | The specified topic already exists. Please check the parameter. | 當前Topic已存在,請修改參數重新配置。 |
400 | InstanceNotFound | Failed to find the instance. The instanceId may be invalid. | 實例不存在,請檢查實例是否創建或實例ID是否填寫正確。 |
400 | ResourcePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
400 | CreateMqttTopicFailed | An error occurred while creating the MQTT topic. Please check the parameter and try again. | 創建云消息隊列 MQTT 版Topic失敗,請檢查參數重試。 |
400 | InstancePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance. Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings. | 實例權限校驗失敗,請確認云消息隊列 MQTT 版實例的所屬關系以及授權策略。 |
400 | PermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
HttpCode | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
400 | ParameterFieldCheckFailed | Failed to validate the parameters. The parameters may be missing or invalid. | 參數校驗失敗,可能缺失或者傳入值非法。 |
400 | InstancePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance. Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings. | 實例權限校驗失敗,請確認MQTT實例的所屬關系以及授權策略。 |
400 | PermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
400 | ResourcePermissionCheckFailed | An error occurred while validating the resource permissions. Please check the account that created the instance, topic, and GroupId, and check their permission settings. | 資源權限校驗失敗,請檢查實例、Topic和Group ID的所屬權限和授權策略。 |
400 | CreateMqttRuleFailed | An error occurred while creating the MQTT rule. Please check the parameter and try again. | 創建云消息隊列 MQTT 版規則失敗,請檢查參數重試。 |
400 | MqttRuleExist | The specified MQTT rule already exists. Please check the parameter. | 當前規則已存在,請修改參數重新配置。 |
400 | MqttRuleNumExceeded | The maximum number of rules is exceeded. | 當前實例規則數量超過系統限制。 |
400 | InstanceNotFound | Failed to find the instance. The instanceId may be invalid. | 實例不存在,請檢查實例是否創建或實例ID是否填寫正確。 |