500 | InternalError | An error occurred while processing your request. | 系統內部錯誤,請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
500 | InternalServerError | Internal Server Error | 系統暫時不可用,請稍后重試
| 診斷 |
500 | InternalFailure | An error occurred while processing your request. | 系統內部錯誤,請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
408 | AcsServerTimeOut | The request has failed due to Adb Cloud Service time out. | 后端服務超時,請稍后嘗試。 | 診斷 |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | An error occurred while processing your request. | 系統暫時不可用,請稍后重試 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidDBClusterId.NotFound | The DBClusterId provided does not exist in our records. | 您指定的 DBClusterId 不存在,請確認 DBClusterId 值是否正確。 | 診斷 |
400 | ApiVersionForbidden | The version parameter is not correct. | Version不正確 | 診斷 |
400 | InvalidAction | Specified action is not valid. | action不正確 | 診斷 |
400 | Unauthorized | Denied by sts or ram | 被拒絕訪問 | 診斷 |
403 | Forbidden | This operation is not allowed. | 禁止該操作。 | 診斷 |
503 | ADBConsoleAPIError | Instance console api query return failed. | 實例Console API接口請求失敗。 | 診斷 |
503 | ADBConsoleAPITimeout | Instance console api query timeout. | 實例Console API接口請求超時。 | 診斷 |
400 | ADBClassNotSupport | The specified instance type does not support this operation. | 實例規格不支持該操作 | 診斷 |
400 | IncorrectDBInstanceState | The specified instance state does not support this operation. | 實例狀態不允許該操作 | 診斷 |
404 | InvalidDBCluster.NotFound | The DBClusterId provided does not exist in our records. | 您指定的 DBClusterId 不存在,請確認 DBClusterId 值是否正確。 | 診斷 |