您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接運行該接口,免去您計算簽名的困擾。運行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自動生成SDK代碼示例。
名稱 | 類型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
Name | string | 是 | 已創建的流程名稱。 | my_flow_name |
Definition | string | 否 | 流程定義,遵循 Flow Definition Language (FDL)語法標準。考慮到向前兼容,當系統支持兩種規范的流程定義規范。 說明
以上流程定義示例中 Name:my_flow_name 是指流程名稱,需和入參 Name 保持一致
| 舊版: " type: flow version: v1 name: my_flow_name steps: - type: pass name: mypass " 新版: " Type: StateMachine SpecVersion: v1 Name: my_flow_name StartAt: my_state States: - Type: Pass Name: my_state End: true " |
Description | string | 否 | 流程描述。 | my test flow |
Type | string | 否 | 流程類型,取值:FDL。 | FDL |
RoleArn | string | 否 | 流程執行依賴的授權角色資源描述符信息。用于在執行流程時,流程執行引擎扮演該角色(AssumeRole)調用相關的流程資源 API。 | acs:ram:${region}:${accountID}:${role} |
"Type": "FDL",
"Definition": "舊版:\n\"type: flow\\nversion: v1\\nname: my_flow_name\\nsteps:\\n - type: pass\\n name: mypass\"\n\n新版:\n\"Type: StateMachine\\nSpecVersion: v1\\nName: my_flow_name\\nStartAt: my_state\\nStates:\\n - Type: Pass\\n Name: my_state\\n End: true\"",
"RoleArn": "acs:ram:${region}:${accountID}:${role}",
"RequestId": "testRequestID",
"Description": "my test flow",
"ExternalStorageLocation": "/path",
"Name": "my_flow_name",
"CreatedTime": "2019-01-01T01:01:01.001Z",
"LastModifiedTime": "2019-01-01T01:01:01.001Z",
"Id": "e589e092-e2c0-4dee-b306-3574ddfdddf5****"
HTTP status code | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤信息 | 描述 |
400 | ActionNotSupported | The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect. Please check. | - |
400 | APIVersionNotSupported | The requested API version '%s' is not supported yet. Please check. | - |
400 | InvalidArgument | Parameter error. | 請求參數錯誤。具體內容請參考實際錯誤信息。 |
400 | MissingRequiredHeader | The HTTP header '%s' must be specified. | 請求所需參數缺失。具體內容請參考實際錯誤信息。 |
400 | MissingRequiredParams | The HTTP query '%s' must be specified. | 請求所需參數缺失。具體內容請參考實際錯誤信息。 |
403 | AccessDenied | The resources doesn't belong to you. | - |
403 | InvalidAccessKeyID | The AccessKey ID %s is invalid. | AccessKey ID無效。 |
403 | RequestTimeTooSkewed | The difference between the request time %s and the current time %s is too large. | 您的請求時間不正確,該請求已被識別為無效。請參考通用參數一節。 |
403 | SignatureNotMatch | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your access key and signing method. | 您發起請求的簽名與我們計算不一致,請檢查您的簽名算法及AccessKey Secret。 |
404 | FlowNotExists | Flow %s does not exist. | 所請求資源不存在,請確保流程已創建。 |
409 | ConcurrentUpdateError | Update conflict, please retry. | 所請求資源存在并發寫操作。請等待一段時間后再次操作。 |
412 | PreconditionFailed | The resource to be modified has been changed. | 資源查看或更新檢查失敗,該資源可能已被更改。請稍后重試。 |
415 | UnsupportedMediaType | The content type must be "application/json". | 請求消息體類型錯誤。 |
429 | ResourceThrottled | The request is throttled. Please try again later. | 因某些原因系統流量已達瓶頸。請稍后重試。 |
500 | InternalServerError | An internal error has occurred. Please retry. | 服務器內部錯誤。請稍后重試。 |
變更時間 | 變更內容概要 | 操作 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024-03-20 | OpenAPI 去除了 deprecated 標記、OpenAPI 錯誤碼發生變更、OpenAPI 入參發生變更 | 看變更集 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||